waste not, want not!

While it might not seem like it because of all the fuss over Larry Craig, the phrase I've seen most repeated today has had nothing to do with Republican sex scandals, real or imagined.

It has to do with donations to charity.

There's a whole lot of donating going on! So many Democrats are donating Norman Hsu's campaign contributions "to charity" that I can't keep track.

Hillary Clinton is donating Hsu's money "to charity."

Barack Obama is also donating Hsu's money "to charity."

U.S. Rep. Kirsten Gillibrand, Gov. Eliot Spitzer and Attorney General Andrew Cuomo are all described as donating their Hsu money "to charity."

Even Al Franken is said to be "divesting" from the Hsu money, and I guess that must mean that it, too, will go "to charity."

After seeing the word one time too many, I began to wonder about an obvious question.

I am not alone in my wonderments. One of Captain Ed's commenters gets the next to the last word:

What charity are we speaking of, the Bill Clinton Library?
Well, I guess that's a legimate charity, but doesn't it have a slight aroma of favoritism?

How about The George Soros Open Society Institute and Soros Foundation Network?

That way, the money could be spread around to do the most good!

The donor's wishes have to be respected, don't they?

posted by Eric on 09.01.07 at 12:06 AM


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They will give the money to a charity that will then thank them by making a donation to their campaigns. Like your shampoo bottle says..Wash, Rinse, Repeat. There's more that one way to launder a cat.

G-Scott   ·  September 1, 2007 02:53 AM

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