Women Of The Israeli Army

A really nice piece in the Grateful Dead style. I wish I knew Hebrew better. I'd like to be able to converse with some of the lovelies. Women who pack heat turn me on.

Music by Vlado Kreslin

More Women of the Israeli Army
Some More Women of the Israeli Army

Cross Posted at The Astute Bloggers

Thanks to Instapundit for the 'lanche.

posted by Simon on 09.30.07 at 05:13 AM


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Hebrew would be good to talk to the soldiers, but the songs are actually in Russian as far as I can tell. (Israel has a very large population of Russian emigres.)

Mastiff   ·  October 1, 2007 10:04 AM

although this community is in russian, it contains mostly photographs of our IDF girls, so you're welcome to pay a visit!

Ikar M. from Haifa

Ikar M.   ·  October 1, 2007 10:08 AM

Lots of sunglasses. Wouldn't it be a relief to fight in a more temperate climate rather than the desert? Like China. Just kidding.

cottus   ·  October 1, 2007 10:49 AM

this is not russian. not hebrew either.

Anonymous   ·  October 1, 2007 11:40 AM

Follow the Vlado Kreslin link.

I think it is Slovenian.

M. Simon   ·  October 1, 2007 11:50 AM


Thanks for the link.

I used a picture from it on this post:

Israeli Women With Assault Rifles.

M. Simon   ·  October 1, 2007 11:54 AM

People (not only Jews) from all over the world can volunteer and serve on Israeli military bases for three week stints (all expenses paid except your transportation costs). The volunteers do light-weight jobs, nothing directly involving weapons. Contact an oranization called Sar El. There are plenty of women Israeli soldiers packing plenty of heat on the bases.

Sidney Raphael   ·  October 1, 2007 12:06 PM


Al   ·  October 1, 2007 12:17 PM

Israeli chicks are HOT!

Especially the armed ones!

thebronze   ·  October 1, 2007 04:10 PM

Fantastic! I remember the early eighties, inport Haifa, US Navy, met some beautiful ladies packing Uzis in the daytime and dancing in the clubs at night. What memories; wonderful women.

Brian   ·  October 2, 2007 12:35 AM

Deborah Palfrey deserves the Pemberton Award for Good Governance.
Palfrey list is like the black book of 1918.
That trial of the century is deleted from all books.
The list there had 47000 names.
The list here is 46000 phone records.
The listed are not womenizers or machos or ordinary sinners.
They are power brokers, gay lutheran shock and awe agitators of all wars.
These wretches are only one dirty cover for the real pimps deep underground.
A curse on kingpins, Justice Charles Darling then and judge Adolph Kessler now.

Noel Pemberton-Billing
Trial of the Century 1918

Billing   ·  October 6, 2007 06:47 AM

..they chose new gods then was war in the gates.. awake awake deborah utter a song.. the Lord gave you dominion over the mighty.. curse you bitterly the inhabitants thereof who came not to the help of justice against the mighty.. they divided the prey, to every man a damsel or two.. let all thine enemies perish o Lord and the land rest forty years..

Deborah Palfrey deserves the Pemberton Award for Clean Governance.
Palfrey list is like the Black Book of 1918.
That trial of the Century is deleted from all books, cursed be reporters.
The list there had 47000 names.
The list here has 46000 phone bills.
The listed are not womenizers, machos or ordinary sinners.
They are power brokers gay lutheran shock and awe agitators of all wars and all panics.
These wretches are one dirty cover to the real pimps deep underground.
A curse on the kingpins, Justice Charles Darling then and Judge Adolph Kessler now.

Noel Pemberton-Billing
Trial of the Century 1918

Billing   ·  October 7, 2007 11:04 AM

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