Looking For Trouble

Eric says the mere mention of the following names gets him in trouble with long time readers. Since I'm looking for trouble.

Vince Foster           Ron Brown

Bring it on.

posted by Simon on 09.14.07 at 10:17 AM


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Cute. Are you suggesting that there's a correlation between anthropogenic holes in skulls and subsequent destruction of documents? Nice way to float your paranoia, but where's the scientific evidence?

whackamole   ·  September 14, 2007 12:04 PM

I have absolute evidence of Ron Brown and Vince Foster.

Just do a search. Pick a search engine of your choice.

The evidence of Ron Brown and Vince Foster is out there and not hard to find.

Heck if you limited your search to the New York Times I'll bet you could find something.

There should be no doubt about Ron Brown and Vince Foster.

People who don't believe in Ron Brown and Vince Foster are denialists.

The truth is out there.

M. Simon   ·  September 14, 2007 12:27 PM

Dead gay boys in bondage?

anonymous   ·  September 14, 2007 11:11 PM

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