Bussard Reactor Funded?

I just received an e-mail claiming that the Navy has funded Dr. Bussard to complete his WB-7 fusion reactor experiment. In addition the e-mail claims the Navy is on board for the full up power demo if the WB-7 results are positive.

If I get further confirmation on this and permission to post it, I will. ASAP!


New Energy and Fuel has a bit more to say on the subject. I can confirm (second and third hand) all the points he makes. It is very likely that we have the same sources.

Cross Posted at Power and Control and at The Astute Bloggers

posted by Simon on 08.22.07 at 08:19 PM


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It would make great sense for the USN to look at it... surprised DARPA hasn't kicked in, either. If you could get rid of the fission reactors, a ship would basically be able to get its own fuel and sail nearly forever.

Here's hoping...

ajacksonian   ·  August 22, 2007 09:44 PM

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