Give me librium, or give me meth!

Reading (via the NRO link Glenn Reynolds' supplied) the details of Al Gore's benefit featuring Yusuf Islam (notorious Islamist who advocated burning Salman Rushdie to death and even wanted to phone in his location to the Ayatollah Khomeni) made me perversely inclined to sympathize with Gore's son Al Gore, III:

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - The 24-year-old son of former Vice President Al Gore was arrested for drug possession on Wednesday after he was stopped for speeding in his hybrid Toyota Prius, a sheriff's official said.
If my dad did benefits with guys like Yusuf Islam, I'd probably take drugs too.

And yeah, I'd also be glad to take the Prius. I'd probably feel entitled to it.

As I say this, it's fair to recognize that I'm not a father, so my perverse sympathies may be uninformed. Roger L. Simon, however, is a father, and he expressed a similar sentiment better than I could:

If the Gores were my parents, I'd want to medicate myself too. And make no mistake about it, young Gore was trying to medicate himself - not seeking enlightenment through drugs as many of us did in our time (not that we found much). You don't take Xanax and Valium for mind expansion.

In this case I have plenty of sympathy for the son and absolutely none for the father and mother. They both have been lecturing us for decades -first about nasty music lyrics and now about the environment. It's all the same really, because it does not come from a place of truth. It comes from a place of pomposity. And that's what makes a lousy parent. Someone who is holier than thou but a fake. The boy in the speeding Prius was calling for help. Will his father hear him - or is he too busy saving the world?

I think the answer is obvious.

Gore thinks his son needs "treatment."

Don't we all!

posted by Eric on 07.05.07 at 10:05 PM


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I am also an eric, and I also live in LA. I burst out laughing when I saw that headline "Give me librium or give me meth." That is a riot. I will steal it, but give you credit.

My question is "What the heck is that prius driving liberal doing in Orange County anyway? I don't go to NOW meetings and ask they cook me dinner."

Anyway, I would consider it an honor and a privilege if you would add my blog "The Tygrrrr Express" if you feel the quality is high.

I learned of your website through the Rottweiler's website, since I like his humor.

Happy 4th!


P.S. If I already asked you, my bad in advance.

eric   ·  July 6, 2007 02:05 AM

Eric S.,

Seems like a mean-spirited posting.

Neal J. King   ·  July 6, 2007 03:27 AM

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Eugene   ·  July 6, 2007 04:41 AM

The title of the post is an ancient 1960s humor slogan.

Is complaining about Yusuf Islam and sympathizing with Al Gore III mean spirited? I don't know, but if it is, I don't think it's as mean spirited as Yusuf Islam, or the criminal penalties attached to possession of drugs. (I'm not defending DUI, mind you; only sympathizing with AGIII's need to medicate pain.)

Eric Scheie   ·  July 6, 2007 07:02 AM

If my name was Al Gore 3, and I were looking to get back at the pompus old windbag, for a lifetime of neglect counterpointed with intense moments of "clean him up fast, the convention starts in half an hour", I think I would nuke a gay whale, or get a DUI in a Prius as a second choice.

Is it mean spirited to bag on Al Gore's parenting skills?
I don't think this story is about Gore's skill in that regard (although it is hard for me to imagine him having any).
I think it about Gore not having the basic parts that make up a human, stuff like humility, honesty, integrity.
Most people wouldn't create a world wide movement, with the goal of removing the human footprint from the planet, for personal glory.

Papertiger   ·  July 6, 2007 01:31 PM
Billy Oblivion   ·  July 6, 2007 04:18 PM

What"s up with all this blog solicitation?

Papertiger   ·  July 6, 2007 08:55 PM

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