a nap in my lap beats a null poll

My answer to the tasteless Scarborough "works the pole" remark which Glenn Reynolds twice noticed?

Do I have to notice it too? Only if I work real hard, I guess.

Geez. Now I'm wondering whether I can even say the word "tasteless" anymore in the context of poll workers or whatever they're called.

But what do I know. "Pole" can be read several ways, poll, pole, and Pole. And a lap can be a lap, as well as a lap-dancing Lapp.

I have no reaction to this. Zero. None. I can't feel anything anymore.

I feel nothing!

As Schultz would say, "I see nothing!"


OK, so take me to the cooler!

Considering that my reaction is a tasteless nullity, and I believe in nullification, I might as well weigh in with a tasteless interpretation of Mitt Romney's "a null set" remark.

He's in trouble with the mathematicians for saying "a null set" instead of "the null set."

Well, how do we know he didn't mean "anal set"?

These days, how can we assume anything? Never mind the assume jokes anal-yzing the ass u make of me, OK?

Just assume I didn't mean whatever I might not have meant to say.

Here's a tasteless pole worker which the prim and taste-free feminists caused to be banned in England -- in time for a tasteless X-mas!


Santa's reindeer delivers with nappy panty hose!

Sorry, they'll never get me to take any of this seriously.

Not even under torture.

posted by Eric on 06.06.07 at 03:25 PM


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Scarborough responded to Newsbusters with a transcript. It turns out they had been talking generally about women (esp actresses) working out using a dancing pole as exercise equipment.

Socrates   ·  June 6, 2007 05:37 PM

I thought he said 'works the poll,' as in 'has a nice effect on the electorate.'

Dennis   ·  June 6, 2007 05:48 PM

Socrates, are you typing with a straight face when you suggest Scarborough wasn't having fun with a double entendre?

tim maguire   ·  June 6, 2007 05:57 PM

Why hasn't Fred Thompson flogged this impudent media creature Scarborough? He besmirched his wife's honor! I say again, dueling pistols at dawn is the only response an honorable Southern gentleman of Ol Fred's stature should consider. If Dubya had put a bullet between the eyes of the first reporter who suggested Laura exercises in a less than chaste manner his approval ratings would be at least as high as Rudy Guiliani's.

Rumor has it that Rudy, yankee though he is, once had a man taken out back and soundly thrashed by a number of his aides for oggling his wife's breasts like Wolfowitz did at that fundraiser with Thompson's young bride. Now that's manly stuff! You'll never catch Bill Clinton standing up for a lady like that.

But I digress. The longer he delays demanding satisfaction from Scarborough with at least a glove across the face the longer Thompson runs the risk of forever being branded as a liberul Hollywood pantywaist unable to protect his woman from the verbal taunts of the media. Is that what we want in a president? After 7 years of the press snickering behind Bush's back about his wife and daughters I'm ready for a change.

Foghorn Leghorn   ·  June 6, 2007 07:09 PM

But remember, a dancing Pole will not accept a personal Czech!

Eric Scheie   ·  June 6, 2007 09:17 PM

Always remember that the advantage in sleeping in somebody's lap is that you get a warm place to sleep, and a skritch behind the ears. Unless you happen to be one of the large cats.

Alan Kellogg   ·  June 7, 2007 04:00 AM

I can see why that toy was banned. Under endowed for a pole dancer. And too many clothes. People could get the wrong idea.

M. Simon   ·  June 7, 2007 10:30 AM

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