affirmative action for criminals but not victims?

A recurrent meme finds life in today's Philadelphia Inquirer:

The rate of imprisonment for Latinos is "about 50 percent higher than it should be," said Marc Mauer, executive director of the Sentencing Project, a Washington think tank on criminal justice policy.

"Nationally, 20 percent of the U.S. prison population is Latino. In society, however, Latinos represent 13 percent of the population," Mauer said.

According to Mauer and others, Latinos are incarcerated at about 21/2 times the rate of whites, and African Americans are jailed at a rate of about seven times that of whites. Latinos also tend to receive tougher sentences, Mauer said.

The war on drugs, racial profiling by police and the courts, language barriers, and lower education levels are factors fueling the problem, Mauer said.

I think I'm more against the war on drugs than most people. I think it is patently immoral to lock people up for putting harmful substances in their own bodies. Harming people because they harmed themselves makes about as much sense as making self-flagellation a crime and then lashing people as punishment for it.

Still, I've criticized the Soros-funded Sentencing Project before, and I don't like their central philosophy. Far far from sticking to the drug issue, they improperly apply identity politics and the affirmative action concept to crime, and pressure to judges and law enforcement to treat violent and dangerous people leniently in order to correct racial "disparities" with a theoretical goal of acheiving racial "balance" in the prisons.

Racialized sentencing is what they want. The biggest problem with looking only at the race of the incarcerated is that it ignores the race of the victims. Black on black crime is a huge problem, and according to the Black on Black Crime Coalition,

While African Americans comprise 12% of the U.S. population, 45% of all murder victims in 2002 were African American, 91% of whom were killed by African Americans.
Looking solely at the race of the killers does their victims a huge disservice, and while I don't have the statistics, I'd be quite interested in comparing the sentences handed down to white criminals whose crimes were against whites with black criminals whose crimes were against blacks. The sentences should be identical, and if they are not, then I think it's fair to make the argument that the situation should be remedied.

Now, without knowing what the figures are, I can only speculate. But it seems logical to assume that they'd reflect one of the following:

  • 1. black defendants and white defendants receive the same sentence for crimes committed against members of their own race;
  • 2. black on black defendants receive more severe sentences than white on white defendants;
  • 3. black on black defendants receive less severe sentences than white on white defendants.
  • Again, if the sentences are the same, then that's not evidence of systemic racism. If it shows that blacks receive longer sentences than whites for the same type of intraracial crime, that would indicate racism and should be addressed. But suppose blacks committing crimes against whites receive lighter sentences than whites. Would the Sentencing Project want that corrected? Why not? Wouldn't such lighter sentences also constitute proof of racism -- by way of saying that crimes against blacks just don't count as much? I doubt the Sentencing Project would see it that way, for they have blinders on, and care only about the race of the defendants. To them, the mere fact that blacks are imprisoned at a rate disproportionate to their percentage ratio of the population means racism. Well, what about the crime statistics showing the huge numbers of blacks who are murdered by blacks? Is black on black crime racism? How?

    The absurdity of the idea can be further demonstrated by looking at Philadelphia, a majority black city, with a black mayor, black chief of police, and many black government and law enforcement officials. Obviously, because of simple arithmetic the average criminal in a city like that is statistically likely to be black, as are his victims. The police and prosecutors are likely to be black, as are members of any jury which might be chosen to decide the criminal's ultimate fate.

    Under what theory can a black criminal committing a crime against black victim, arrested by a black officer, prosecuted by a black district attorney, and judged by a black jury be called a victim of racism?

    If anyone can figure it out, let me know, because I'm having trouble.

    I'm wondering about something else too. Is it really fair to consider only racial disparities as an appropriate criteria in sentencing? What about sex? Isn't it true that men are imprisoned in numbers way out of proportion to their share of the population? I've read the figure is something like 90% -- even though men are only 50% of the population. Isn't that sexism too? Why isn't the sentencing project doing something about that?

    None of it makes sense.

    Sentencing should be based on the crime.

    posted by Eric on 04.25.07 at 04:30 PM


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    Commission of crime correlates with IQ.

    The average American has an IQ of 100. The average criminal has an IQ of 92.

    The average black American has an IQ of 85. With hispanic Americans at around 89.

    Best estimate yet of white-Hispanic IQ gap

    M. Simon   ·  April 25, 2007 09:37 PM

    M Simon

    IMHO (abd based on 9 years at a DA office in So. Cal) it is culture not IQ that affects crime rates.

    Simplistically, poverty doesn't cause crime, crime causes poverty

    Hispanics are a smaller part of the population but a majory part of the gang culture. Why? Well demographic of young, single males is much higher in the Hispanic community (due in large part to illegal immigration) and they tend to either be part of the gang culture imported from Mexico (Mexican mafia and affiliated gangs) OR they get caught up in the gang culture upon arrival due either to pressure to join from neighborhood gangsters OR from a belief that the gang will protect them.

    In the greater Los Angeles area there is something like over 500 identified Hispanic gangs. The Mexican Mafia has a huge presence in the CA prison system (the white prison gang, Aryan Brotherhood, is also dominate in system, but there are few white gangs in the population) In the city of LA, there are almost twice as many Hispanic gang members as there are black, and whites members count less than 10% of Hispanic (troubling, Asian gang membership has been rising faster than any other demographic)

    Also, due to an imported "machismo" culture, domestic violence is more represented among Hispanics than the population at large.

    Darleen   ·  April 26, 2007 01:11 AM

    An adult black man is seven times as likely to be found housed behind bars as is his white counterpart. Paradoxically, the largest disparities are found in political domains controlled by liberals -- the leaders in the struggle for racial justice. By examining how criminal behavior is distributed within the races, the paradox is resolved showing it to be an unintended consequence of liberal benevolence and goodwill.
    More here:

    castielero   ·  April 26, 2007 06:42 AM


    Statistics proves nothing about causation. All it can provide is correlations. It may be that crime pays about as well as other opportunities that low IQ folks have.

    However, my pet theory is that we would have fewer gangs if we weren't financing them through the socialist War On Drugs which constitutes a price support mechanism for criminals.


    I read that piece some time back. It is most excellent. As is all the La Griffe stuff.

    M. Simon   ·  April 26, 2007 07:51 AM

    Ever notice that the racialists such as Marc Mauer, executive director of the Soros-funded Sentencing Project, show zero concern about the far more disproportionate imprisonment of men compared to women? Leftists, of whom feminists comprise their women's auxiliary, are astonishingly sexist and support the most egregious double standards as long as women are preferred and men are penalized. The racialist Left's unwillingness to apply their "sentencing disparity" standards by sex reveal just how dishonest this criteria of theirs is.

    The honest and consistent position is just as Eric concluded: "Sentencing should be based on the crime."

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