RINOs in sight!

This week's RINO Sightings Carnival has been posted by one of my oldest friends in the blogosphere, One Fine Jay who does a superb job of editing. Once again, the RINOs show why they're a force to be reckoned with.

The RINO posts are all formidable, and here are a few that seemed to charge out at me:

Dean Esmay has some good, nonpartisan, Katrina-related questions for public officials (whose party affiliations he declines to state).

  • SayUncle looks at FEMA, and wants his money back. (Should we start a class action?)
  • Barry Campbell has a post on "Howard Beale moments." (Mad as a RINO and not gonna take it anymore?)
  • Decision 08 thinks New Orleans was built in a terribly wrong place -- but that it should be rebuilt anyway!
  • Don't miss this really thoughtful post from a guy who's been unqualified for military service since age 18, who wanted to serve in some capacity after 9/11, whose offers went ignored, and who's obviously a little annoyed by the whole "chickenhawk" routine. (A man after my heart!)
  • Read the rest.

    One fine job, One Fine Jay!

    It must be remembered that RINOs aren't bad people.

    They've just gotten a little tired of this old routine:


    But who wouldn't?

    posted by Eric on 09.05.05 at 02:42 PM


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    Animal porn, Eric? Is this your strategery for increased traffic?

    John   ·  September 6, 2005 01:17 AM

    Maybe I should clean things up around here.

    Eric Scheie   ·  September 6, 2005 10:00 AM

    You take the most interesting pictures of (non-feline) animals, I will say that. A zoophile would like this picture, zoophilia was (and I suppose still is) legal in Texas even while homosexual relations were prohibited.

    By the way, Santorum has written a book now, on "family morality". A reviewer noted that, while Golwater argued that collectivism destroyed the individual, Santorum argues that individualism destroys the family. Two opposing quadrants of the Right....

    As to that "chickenhawk" argument (which was stale when it was new), that other blogger is in the same predicament I am, and i'm sure a lot of others my age: When I was young enough to serve, it was during the Viet Nam War which, at that time, I (and my family and most of my friends) believed was immoral. Had I fought in that War, i would have been jeered at as a murderer by the peaceniks of that day (and still today). Now that I have seen the error of my youthful foolishness, now that we are fighting a War which I recognize as just, peikoff-obviously, a just and necessary War for the very survival of our Western civilization, I am too old and fat to fight, and now the same peaceniks jeer at me for not fighting.

    In other words: Because I believed their lies then, I did not fight. Now that I am too old to fight, I must not dare to question their lies or else I am a "chickenhawk".

    I "came of age" during the last years of Vietnam also. While I thought it was a moral war, it was obvious that our leaders, in both parties, were not serious about winning it. Dying in a fight that was not going to try to defeat the enemy did not make sense then, and still doesn't.

    Stu   ·  September 6, 2005 07:19 PM

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