More Pennsylvania Pork!

I just stumbled onto another unwarranted federal expenditure -- of $3.6 million to build a memorial to slaves who lived more than two hundred years ago at a building in Philadelphia which no longer exists:

The nation's first executive mansion, known widely as the President's House, was on what is now Independence Mall at Sixth and Market Streets.

More than three years ago, Congress directed the park "to appropriately commemorate" both the house and the slaves who lived there. As a result, the park came up with a $4.5 million conceptual plan, which was roundly criticized by some scholars and community leaders.

In the fall of 2003, at the ceremony surrounding the moving of the Liberty Bell into its new home, Mayor Street announced that the city would contribute $1.5 million toward completion of the memorial, which is believed to be the nation's first such tribute to slaves.

City funds have now been utilized to reopen the design process, and the city has taken over its management.

Just two weeks ago, U.S. Reps. Chaka Fattah and Bob Brady, both Philadelphia Democrats, announced that $3.6 million in federal funds would be devoted to the project.

Officials now are aiming to complete the project by July 4, 2007.

"There is a compelling obligation to illuminate the full history of this place and all its inhabitants," Street said in announcing formation of the oversight committee. The panel will be charged with making certain that all those who lived at the house during the residence of Washington and his successor, John Adams, will be fully represented in the memorial.

Members of the committee include Romona Riscoe Benson, interim president and chief executive officer of the African American Museum in Philadelphia; Charles L. Blockson, curator of the Charles Blockson Afro-American Collection at Temple University, and a founding member of Generations Unlimited, a historical activist group; and attorney Michael Coard, a founding member of the activist Avenging the Ancestors Coalition.

Well, Mayor Street may feel a compelling obligation, but I just don't see why the federal government should shell out $3.6 million to remind people that George Washington owned slaves when the money should be spent on hurricane rebuilding efforts. With two hurricanes, the case for cutting pork projects of such questionable value has become even more compelling.

There's more here about the project.

Coard, 38, is urging Independence National Historical Park to place a permanent marker and footprint at the new site to honor the eight slaves held there by President George Washington.

Park Superintendent Mary Bomar has been in negotiations with Coard for some time. She did not return several phone messages from the Daily News, but Coard says she has agreed to a "posting" near the site.

"It doesn't go as far as we'd like," he said.

Coard's Avenging the Ancestors Coalition plans to lead a protest at 1 p.m. tomorrow at 6th and Market. "On the outside, we'll be raising hell. On the inside, we'll be raising issues," Coard said.

To ignore slave quarters when they're five feet from the Liberty Bell Center entrance is unjust, he argues.

"People who enter should know they're crossing hallowed ground."

Assuming for the sake of argument that land where slaves once lived is forever "hallowed," does it really have to cost $3.6 million in taxpayer dollars to let people know?

Bear in mind that the house in which these slaves lived while Washington was president was demolished in 1832. Bear in mind too that Washington never owned the place; he only rented it, during which time eight of his slaves lived there. It seems to me that if the goal is to commemorate Washington's slaves by building a memorial to them, a more logical choice would be Mount Vernon, where he lived for over 45 years and owned hundreds of slaves. (Of course, he arranged for their freedom after his wife's death, which might not suit the avengers' meme.)

Even those who support memorials to slaves ought to ask themselves whether this much money could be better directed towards a better purpose. I think the slavery memorial is a classic example of government pork.


AFTERTHOUGHT: I'm not sure why, but after reading the comment below from Ian Wood, it occurred to me that if this same memorial had been funded under the Clinton Administration, angry Republicans would probably be calling it "Slavery Mall," and screaming that Democrats were undermining the founding. Their silence today is a bit deafening.

UPDATE (09/28/05): More here about the City of Philadelphia plans for this memorial; it's to have "clearly defined physical places where people can stand and connect viscerally to the past." (That'll teach em!)

Here's a view of the "footprint" of the house, which will front the Independence Mall/Liberty Bell entry point. (That's Independence Hall on the left.) Bids are being solicited on how best to dramatize the "slave quarters" as the last thing visitors must walk through to see the Liberty Bell.


A statue of George Washington whipping a slave has been suggested.

posted by Eric on 09.23.05 at 08:11 PM


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» Charge!! RINO Stampede XXII from Tinkerty Tonk
Republicans / Independents Not Overdosed (on the Party Kool-Aid) They're on the rampage. And they've got an opinion on just about everything. Submitted for your edification: RINO Stampede XII. [Read More]
Tracked on September 26, 2005 06:57 AM


Well well well. Now's where we see whether the blogosphere has any real political influence, isn't it?

Here's my challenge:

Get Kos to pick this up. Can't get much more bi-wacko-partisan than that.

Ian Wood   ·  September 23, 2005 11:15 PM

Thanks for the comment. (Your blog was one of my earliest favorites, BTW.)

Regarding the bi-wacko-partisan challenge, while Kos compared Bush's spending to LBJ, he seems silent about porkbusters, although Atrios did utter an "oink."

The real test is what happens when they realize that the Republicans, who do indeed control the government, aren't going to give up a damn bit of their hard-earned pork. I'm sure the Clenis will make an appearance, somehow.

To put it another way, would YOU have the guts to get between Dennis Hastert and a bacon sandwich?

He has the idea that porkbuster-supporting bloggers support Republican pork.

But isn't all pork passed by a Republican congress Republican pork?

Eric Scheie   ·  September 24, 2005 11:41 AM

Pork ?!! Is it pork because it is yet another memorial or because it is about an African experience in the history of this country that you are not interested in hearing or knowing about? You have your memorials..These 8 Africans have earned theirs. Later is better than never.

Amadi Hines   ·  October 4, 2005 12:08 AM

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