Lets You And Him Fight

I was reading Michael Totten's blog and came across this interview of him by the Jerusalem Post. One part of the interview caught my eye. (Question by the Post in bold)

Are Syria and Iran still supplying Hizbullah? Have they recovered from the war last summer?

Absolutely. Hizbullah is as strong, or at least nearly as strong, as they were last July. Iran and Syria will continue supplying Hizbullah until they fear the consequences of continuing their support or until no one in Lebanon is willing to receive their support. Right now everyone who dies because of Syrian and Iranian support for Hizbullah is Lebanese or Israeli. They have no reason to stop until that equation is altered.

This fits in with some of my posts from last summer (July and August '06) where I said Israel must take on Syria if it was to accomplish its war aims.

Now it looks like, although Israel thinks a war with Syria is not likely this year, it is preparing for a war with Syria. Perhaps the Israelis are wizing up.

Cross Posted at Power and Control and at The Astute Bloggers

posted by Simon on 02.26.07 at 01:08 PM


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As I have said previously, Syria must go.

I would prefer the use of the threat to civilian shipping as the pertinent casus belli for that. And make it clear that getting more Kurds into Iraq is a cause for stability as they would countervail Shia Arabs and leave Sunni Arabs as powerbrokers/kingmakers which I would think is suitable to their mental outlook in Iraq.

If the Israeli's do it, then doing the same with the Kurdish regions and opening up an Iraqi path to the Med. would be something to help finally break up that noxious regime and put an end to Iranian meddling directly. Without Syria, Iran has no easy way to re-inforce Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Any way you cut it, the path to Peace in the Middle East runs right through Damascus, Syria.

ajacksonian   ·  February 26, 2007 02:31 PM

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