accessories to fit the official enclownment

There isn't much I can add to the beclowning of Professor Paul Campos (about whom I've complained before). I guess it wasn't enough to have called Glenn a "Bush dead-ender" and "jingoistic right-wing ideologue" so it has to be ratcheted up to Glenn Reynolds, Fascist Murderer.

Considering all the beclowning that's been going on (even begloating over beclowning) I don't know how I'm supposed to take this guy seriously. Perhaps I could sue Campos for plagiarism, for I called Glenn Reynolds a fascist -- long before he did. But Campos is a law professor, and he probably has a million and one sneaky loopholes to hide his fascist plagiarism behind. (Yeah, I know I should have said "behind which to hide" but I'm too tired for prepositionally correct behind placement.)

But be aware, Campos, I am not fooled! In my heart I know you take orgiastic delight in copycat fascism!

Anyway, I think the man has been already been taken seriously enough (in particular Eugene Volokh did a fair and thorough job of explaining why Campos is wrong in the legal sense), that there really isn't anything serious I could add to the discussion at this point.

However, because of my tendency to get all fussy about these definitional things, I am a bit concerned about the word "beclown." Campos is said to have beclowned himself, and while I think he has certainly done that, I am not entirely certain that being beclowned is the same as being enclowned.

It occurred to me that maybe there ought to be some kind of official enclownment ceremony, so I came up with this:


Personally, I think he looks kinda cute that way.

No, not him!

(The one with the accessories!)

posted by Eric on 02.22.07 at 08:40 PM


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There's a tragic clown if ever there were one.

Jon Thompson   ·  February 22, 2007 11:39 PM

The verb "beclown" is clearly transitive, and also not reflexive. The reflexive form would either be "enclown" as you suggest, or perhaps "autoclown" or simply "clown".

I don't think there needs to be an official Earthly ceremony. Beclowning happens supernaturally, when St. Bozo looks down from his studio up there in the clouds and laughs milk out of his nose.

Snarcrates   ·  February 23, 2007 12:54 AM

You know, I think we're all Bozos on this bus.

CGHill   ·  February 23, 2007 09:28 AM

Are there any giant rats of Sumatra on the bus with you Bozos?

And if one can be 'enclowned' is there an 'unclowning' ceremony during which your red nose and big shoes are ceremoniously ripped off?

JorgXMcKie   ·  February 23, 2007 04:59 PM

During the unclowning ceremony, they can play the theme to Branded.

Branded, scorned as the one who ran!
What do you do when you're branded, and you know you're a man?
Wherever you go for the rest of your life you must prove-you're a man!

Jon Thompson   ·  February 24, 2007 06:20 AM

Giggles. Check this one out too (not strictly a clown reference, but close enough for gummint work).

Ken S, Fifth String on the Banjo of Life   ·  February 28, 2007 08:58 AM

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