Garrison Keillor's garment phobia

For someone who bills himself as a humorist, Garrison Keillor doesn't seem to have much of a sense of humor. First there was his threat to sue a blogger for parodying the Prairie Homo Home Companion with a t-shirt. And now there's his latest pissy hissy over Giuliani's Marilyn Monroe parody in drag:

Say what you will about the Current Occupant [President Bush], there is no video out there of him waltzing around in a long lavender gown and a brassiere, and blond wig, while an aging tycoon nuzzles his chest. He may have sunk low back in his drinking days, but he managed to keep his adventures private. . . .

This is not a major issue. . . . But the video has a creepy fascination to it. . . .

Mr. Giuliani should put the issue behind him by answering a few questions: (1) How much did he have to drink that night, and what was he drinking? (2) Whose idea was it--his own or an aide's? If the latter, was there wagering involved and how much was bet? (3) Were the garments new or used, and who picked them out? And was he wearing male or female underthings? (4) On a scale of 1 to 10, how good did he feel in that dress?

The above was reported by WSJ's Jim Taranto, who opined that the "creepy fascination" is Keillor's.

I couldn't agree more.

As I said before, it took balls for Guiliani to do his drag routine, and his "It's okay, they aren't real" shows that he has a great sense of humor. (HT Glenn Reynolds.)

Concluded Taranto,

Whether Keillor is expressing his own prejudices or cynically trying to appeal to the prejudices of others, his effort to smear Giuliani by playing on fears of homosexuality is invidious and unseemly.
I swear, this homo-baiting nonsense is becoming such a habit with the left that its getting downright tired. And the targets seem to be growing.

Here we go again.... First they came for the gay conservatives. And now, if you're a Republican, you don't even have to be gay to be targeted. You only have to do something that might look gay, or hang around with gay friends.

If I didn't know any better, I'd swear the left wants all Republicans to be homo-hatin' "Christianist" stereotypes. (Perhaps they should bear in mind that Fred Phelps is a Democrat.)

And what's with the "Were the garments new or used" question?

Is there a right answer to a question like that?


I guess if I were advising Guiliani, I'd tell him to answer "Yes!"

(OK, I'm trying to take politics seriously, but this is getting a bit ridiculous.)

posted by Eric on 02.16.07 at 08:36 PM


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I used to really get sick of this kind of cheap political attack. Then I began to realize that, for the most part, people get wise fairly quickly, and it stops having any stopping power at all after a few years.

Liberal attempts to gay-bait conservatives are popular now, but I predict that by '12, and perhaps sooner, they'll be almost forgotten relics.

Jon Thompson   ·  February 17, 2007 04:36 AM

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