Sleepy pit bulls never lie!

Coco has a visitor, Sean Kinsell, and she's convinced that he traveled all the way from Japan just to see her.

As you can see, Sean has mastered a rare Japanese massage technique which never fails to put pit bulls to sleep:


(If only the Humane Society put pit bulls to sleep that way instead of the other way.)

Sean's blogging certainly won't put anyone to sleep -- especially human pit bulls. Here's a sample from yesterday (about a lesbian Muslim activist Irshad Manji, who's being snubbed by the left):

Plenty of gay men and women who "don't care what people think" when they're having a noisy good time at brunch or giving conservative relatives a heart attack with their views about social policy will turn into the most craven protocol-followers alive when it's time to venture, even gingerly, the opinion that maybe there are strains of thinking in non-Western cultures that are incompatible with human rights and are not the fault of Western imperialism. Or that gay advocacy groups often choose cheap partisan expediency over gay interests.
I couldn't agree more with what Sean says about the double standard; read it all.

As for Coco, she's steeped in double standards, and I can barely get her to read this blog, much less help me with editing and proof reading.


Wish I had more time for blogging today, but I'll be running around.

Meanwhile, Coco plans to petition the Humane Society to put Sean in charge of all pit bull policy.

posted by Eric on 02.16.07 at 09:47 AM


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Well, it was a pleasure to see you and Coco as always, sweetie. Please tell her that bag of pretzels I left behind is just for her. :)

Sean Kinsell   ·  February 17, 2007 08:21 AM

Coco thanks you but she was wondering about the munchkins!

Eric Scheie   ·  February 17, 2007 11:14 AM

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