How deep can strategy sink?

In a comment to an earlier post, Darleen Click said something which ought to be read by everyone, and which, if true, ought to chill the bones of every conservative, libertarian, and libertarian conservative, and conservative libertarian:

RE the GOP, IMHO this is why you're seeing the anti-Romney sentiment amongst a lot of Republicans... he IS a solid conservative candidate, but they really don't want to "waste" him against Hill this time around.
The right wing of the Republican Party seems to have decided that in this race, it is the Republicans' turn to lose, and Hillary Clinton's turn to win, and they don't want one of "their own" in a losing position.

Which makes me want to as the unaskable....

Would they prefer a Hillary Clinton presidency to a Giuliani or McCain presidency?

I realize they'll never answer publicly, but if the private answer is "yes," then which side are they "privately" on?

posted by Eric on 02.11.07 at 01:40 PM


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The strategizing is foolish.

Support the guy or gal you want to win, and leave it at that. Losing a presidential vote doesn't, or shouldn't, keep you from running again, and you'll be the same four years older.

Put forth the best candidate you have, as determined by the voters, and quit playing scissor-paper-rock with my government, y'all.

Just saying.

Socrates   ·  February 12, 2007 08:05 AM

The Next President is a War President.

Even if Iraq went to paradisical serenity and peace today, the US has been put on notice that it is at War against Transnational Terrorism. It is not *sourced* in Iran or Syria or North Korea, but is supported, aided and abetted by them. This Nation still has no Goals in this Global War on Terror nor the realization that this is a War of the Nation not *just* its Federal Government. It cannot be won without the Federal Government looking to its People on this score, as We do *not* give Government, ANY Government, that much power.

To just survive takes Leadership, not a grab-bag of issues, but a real live set of policies and goals and means to implement them. I am asking those questions and will do so of each Candidate as they get their campaigns stood up. Most of these candidates see themselves as Royalty or prefer to just offere programs with no philosophy of governance or insight into how that philosophy actually *works*. The Nation can do that when the world of political outlook was in stasis, like during the Cold War. That war and that stasis are gone and we are back to the full, pointed and deadly rough 'n tumble of global politics with actors out to destroy Liberty and start up Empires once more. Not metaphorical 'Empires' but REAL ones.

The American Republic of the 19th century could survive and even flourish in this era.

What we have today as a legacy of the 20th century cannot.

We either step away from the deadly 20th century or we succumb to it as its last victims.

That is your choice this election.

Death by stasis.

A possibility of surviving by taking a step in any direction away from Empire and proclaim ourselves as defender of Freedom and Liberty and be willing to die for it. We can pay the butcher now with fighting and war and helping to build a better world, or we can pay the butcher later when he drags us from under our beds and the dream of Liberty dies with us.

Either way, we will *pay*.

"You must pay the price if you wish to secure the blessing." - Andrew Jackson

ajacksonian   ·  February 13, 2007 09:16 AM

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