Honeymoon Finally Over?

Israel says it will break ties with Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas if the quartet conditions - the renunciation of violence, recognition of Israel, and adhering to past peace agreements - are not met.

If the new Palestinian unity government is based solely on the agreement reached in Mecca and does not include the three conditions of the Quartet, Israel will cut off its ties with Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, officials in Jerusalem warned Sunday morning.

In an interview with Army Radio Sunday morning, Opposition head MK Binyamin Netanyahu agreed with this position.

"Hamas has not moved in the direction of Abbas," Netanyahu said. "Rather, he has moved in the direction of Hamas. If he gives legitimacy to Hamas, then that's bad; if we give legitimacy to Hamas, then that's even worse."

The real rhinoceros in this living room is that the Palestinians have never lived up to their agreements. Abbas and his predecessor Arafat paid lip service to the agreements, they never lived up to them. Hamas is doing what Arafat and Abbas would never do. Tell the truth about their ambitions. The destruction of Israel.
Senior Israeli officials said Abbas's agreement to and appointment of a new government that does not accept the three international benchmarks - recognizing Israel, accepting previous agreements, and renouncing terrorism - made him a partner with Hamas, and called into question future Israeli cooperation with him.

The official said Israel was carefully assessing the situation and waiting to see what the new Palestinian Authority government's guidelines would be before making a final decision. "Maybe we will all be surprised," the official said skeptically.

The agreement, which took the form of a letter written by Abbas, calls upon Hamas to "respect international resolutions and the agreements signed by the Palestine Liberation Organization."

Sources in Jerusalem said that "respecting" agreements is not the same as "accepting them," and that the letter made no mention of recognizing Israel and renouncing terrorism.

If Hamas recognized Israel their support among the Palestinians would evaporate.

The Palestinians cry crocodile tears every time they lose a battle with the Israelis. Yet fighting is their policy. Some people are very hard to educate.

The officials said Israel was "stating very clearly that terror is continuing on a daily basis - the firing of rockets and the smuggling of arms into the Gaza Strip - and has never stopped. And as far as we can tell from the public declarations that were made by Abbas and Hamas after the agreement, the new government does not meet the three international benchmarks."
So the war never really stopped.

The only surprise in the offing is when the next war will start. I'm betting on weeks if not days. In fact it may have already started. In the same way that Stupidfada II started. With a riot about the Temple Mount. The Israelis are doing some reconstruction work about 200 feet from the Temple Mount area to fix a collapsed ramp.

....Palestinians have expressed fears that the excavations under way actually are attempts to tunnel under the compound.

Israeli officials reject that accusation and say they are not digging under the compound, or even close to it. They insist that the replacement of a ramp would not harm the holy site about 200 feet away.

"We have nothing to hide, and yet extremist elements with a hateful agenda have cynically provoked violence by deliberately spreading mistruths about what we're doing," Foreign Ministry spokesman Mark Regev said.

The ramp reconstruction was approved by all the requisite authorities including Muslim authorities. In fact the same Muslim authorities who approved Sharon's visit to the Temple Mount in 2000. The visit that "caused" Palestinians to start exploding in record numbers. However, the explosions in 2000 were planned in advance. The Sharon visit was an excuse, not a reason. I believe it is the same for this episode. Probably what this signals is the start of Stupidfada III. This show is getting almost as many sequels as Rocky Balboa. Except that Rocky wins his fights.

You know how it is. Hope springs eternal. This time it will be different. For sure.

Cross Posted at Power and Control

posted by Simon on 02.11.07 at 08:16 AM


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Of course, if the Israelis wanted to tunnel under the mosque, they would at least do so with the stealthiness the Gazans use when digging tunnels to Egypt, or under the Israeli border. The true objection is the likelihood of public awareness of prior Jewish Temple-related finds pre-dating the 'modern' mosque construction~the Palestinian claim of no historical Jewish presence exposed for the umpteenth time as a lie.
Some 24/7 webcams at the reconstruction site would show the world just what is going on.

Stewart   ·  February 11, 2007 08:58 PM

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