crushing climate of dissent

Global Warming skeptic removed from his position as Oregon's State Climatologist?

[George Taylor's] opinions conflict not only with many other scientists, but with the state of Oregon's policies.

So the governor wants to take that title from Taylor and make it a position that he would appoint.

In an exclusive interview with KGW-TV, Governor Ted Kulongoski confirmed he wants to take that title from Taylor. The governor said Taylor's contradictions interfere with the state's stated goals to reduce greenhouse gases, the accepted cause of global warming in the eyes of a vast majority of scientists.

But I thought only Bush censored dissenting scientists!

And Oregon? Say it's not true! Someone!

[Taylor] believes natural cycles explain most of the changes the earth has seen.

A bill will be introduced in Salem soon on the matter.

Sen. Brad Avakian, (D) Washington County, is sponsoring the bill. He said global warming is so important to state policy it's important to have a climatologist as a consultant to the governor. He denied this is targeted personally at Taylor. "Absolutely not," Avakian said, "I've never met Mr. Taylor and if he's got opinions I hope he comes to the hearing and testifies."

God forbid if any of this became personal.

MORE: Speaking of environmental crime, I am sitting right now staring into my swinish flat screen monitor (which uses "five times more power" than the CRTs). As I pause to look up at the deadly mercury-laden thermostat which has been set to a Nixonian 68 degrees -- I contemplate with great regret that while nature is still fighting to be natural (the outdoor temperature today has still not made it into the teens) I am nonetheless spewing forth deadly carbons which warm the planet.

'Bout time they cracked down on environmental crime!

posted by Eric on 02.07.07 at 07:05 AM


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Please, Eric. This is just the progress of Science. What, are you against Science now, too? That doesn't seem to be a "classical value" to me.

The Governor is practicing Reality TV science: if your pet climatologist disagrees with your pet meme, vote him off the committee.

Socrates   ·  February 7, 2007 07:34 AM

The climatologists seem to think that man made carbon dioxide, less than one percent of natural cause carbon dioxide is a big problem!!
Eliminate all man made carbon dioxide and concentration in air will barely change.
We certainly don't need unnecessary pollution, but let us be reasonable.
It seems to me the purpose is to maintain funding.

hugh   ·  February 7, 2007 11:37 AM

Your flat screen uses 1/5 the power or less of a CRT of equal dimensions.

9 1/2 X 12 1/2 CRT = 210 W

10 X 16 LCD = 38 W

1.35 times as much area 18% as much power.

M. Simon   ·  February 7, 2007 01:07 PM

Here's an idea for the IPCC. Make your AGW computer models (which all the predictions are based on) available on the net. Then we can all see how well they simulate the climate. For instance, we can put in the conditions present 10,000 years ago, then the models can crunch the numbers and report what the climate is today. We'll also need the source code, so we know they aren't cheating by, for example, using static values for dynamic parameters.

fred   ·  February 7, 2007 08:55 PM

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