Ready for the rampancy of raging RINOs?

This week's Carnival of the RINOs has been posted at Barry Campbell's Enrevanche, and the theme is "RINOs rampant."

Barry shares his thoughts about how the real RINOs are no longer the proud dissenters, but the "movement conservatives":

as I consider the GOP's sad slow-motion implosion in recent years, and their gradual desertion of core values like small government and fiscal responsibility, it occurs to me that the real Republicans In Name Only are the so-called "movement conservatives" currently helming the party.
Interesting. I've noticed that the RINOs of the Carnival variety are disgruntled for a variety of very different reasons, and that their embrace of the term "RINO" often indicates contempt for the stereotype, along with refusal to be labeled. It's an insult worn with pride, and it should come as no surprise that the people who so often hurl it as an insult might be the real RINOs.

Personally, I'd call them RINOcrats -- but that's only because they're in charge!

Anyway, there are lots of good posts, about things like the real estate bubble, suicide (of a feminist professor arrested for prostitution) Yemeni jihadis (and appalling security), prosecutorial misconduct (in the case of the two convicted border control agents), and the world "pariah" (that everyone wants to trade with, natch).


posted by Eric on 02.05.07 at 03:38 PM


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disgruntled and contemptuous, refusing to be labeled, gee eric, I think you nailed it.

jane   ·  February 5, 2007 06:08 PM

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