Threatening The Players

This is curious. Three people entered Guilford College dorms looking for the football players involved in the fight with some Palestinians that took place on Jan 20th.

GREENSBORO, N.C. Police are investigating an apparent intrusion by three people into a Guilford College dormitory. Authorities say the three were looking for the football players connected to a fight with several Palestinian students.

School officials and Greensboro police say the three quickly left the dorm after police were summoned. A police spokesman says threats were made, but he wouldn't say who made them or who was the target of the threats.

So far, there have been no arrests.

Interesting. Police obviously know who they are. The college has been informed. Why the silence?

Threats were made. Is this some kind of witness intimidation?

Guilford College Statement on the 04 Feb '07 incident:

Guilford College Public Safety and the Greensboro Police Department responded to a brief incident in Bryan Hall on campus at midday Sunday, Feb. 4. Based on the public safety report:

At about Noon, three individuals from off campus entered Bryan Hall and approached a suite that is the residence of several football players.

According to students on the scene, the individuals from off-campus were looking for football players involved in the Jan. 20 incident in Bryan Hall.

Guilford Public Safety and Greensboro Police were called, and the Guilford public safety officer on duty responded immediately.

Guilford Public Safety spotted a car driven by the individuals from off campus in the parking lot beside Frank Family Science Center and followed the car off campus.

Guilford Public Safety has a detailed description of the individuals from off campus and the car that they were driving.

Greensboro Police arrived after the off-campus individuals had left and began their investigation.

It is important to note that the football players and other students involved in the Jan. 20 incident in Bryan Hall were not in the hall during today's (Feb. 4) incident. They were moved off campus following the Jan. 20 incident.

Within two hours of today's (Feb. 4) event, the Community Response Team, led by President Chabotar, took these actions:

Notified or attempted to notify parents of all students directly involved in the Jan. 20 incident.

Reinforced heightened security for Bryan Hall.

Heightened campus security generally and asked the Greensboro Police Department to add patrols of the campus area and Bryan Hall.

Ordered the notification of the campus community of the incident via campus-wide e-mail.

These threats are probably quite serious if the parents of the 20 Jan. incident were notified.

I have a feeling that when this is all over the support for the Palestinian cause at Guilford College will not be what it used to be.

Cross Posted at Power and Control

posted by Simon on 02.05.07 at 10:04 AM


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