NEWS FLASH! Mark Foley bows out of race!

Why this isn't getting more attention I don't know.

But in a stunning announcement that ought to be good news for Giuliani, Gingrich, McCain, Brownback and the rest of the crowded playing field, Florida's Mark Foley will withdraw from the 2008 presidential race!

Local Florida lawmaker Mark Foley has withdrawn his name from consideration for the 2008 presidential nomination, his hometown newspaper reported recently. "It's just no use," Councilman Foley complained. "Everyone thinks I'm that other Mark Foley who solicited underage congressional pages in Washington DC and then blamed it on alcoholism." Foley repeatedly grumbled that, "my campaign just can't overcome that other Mark Foley's name recognition factor." While Congressman Mark Foley is gay, a Roman Catholic and reportedly had internet sex with a youth, Local Lawmaker Mark Foley assured his constituents that he's just a normal all-American politician. "I have sex with female prostitutes, take bribes from special interests and spend taxpayer's money on illegal junkets to Aspen," he cheerfully reassured everyone.
Hey wait a second. Does this mean there's more than one Mark Foley in Florida?


How come I can't find out anything about him or his campaign?

This is almost as bad as Jamil Hussein.

posted by Eric on 02.02.07 at 09:37 AM


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