Gaza Plunged Into Darkness

You knew that already, didn't you? Well a little extra darkness has been added.

10:21 Jan 29, '07 Gunfire and rocket attacks by rival terrorists hit a power transformer, plunging the western part of Gaza into darkness. A sixth militia gunman was killed a short time ago as fighting and kidnappings continued despite agreements by Hamas and Fatah leaders to accept mediation efforts by Saudi Arabia.

Hamas militia men kidnapped the teen-age son and nephew of the commander of the Fatah militia in Gaza.

I guess the killings will continue until the mediator properly mediates. After that they will resume.

This is no longer just about business. It is about family. It could get really vicious. In fact it has already.

Cross Posted at Power and Control

posted by Simon on 01.29.07 at 04:53 AM


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In my daydreams I see a pack of those Anything-Can-Be-Solved-By-Talking types from the State Dept. being send to mediate in Gaza and the West Bank. Not between Israel and the Palestinians, but between Hamas and Fatah. It would keep them out of trouble and might provide a reality check. A real bonus if we could ship a lot of CIA analysts along with them.

Anonymous   ·  January 29, 2007 12:22 PM

Evolution in action!

As a related thought, for such supposedly deadly trained killers, the body count seems low, and the collateral damage seems high.

Any way we can get them to kill more 'players', and a lot fewer 'spectators'?

Parker   ·  January 29, 2007 03:18 PM

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