The Right Loses Faith

It is interesting to read the hard right's take on the justice system based on the Duke case.

When folks from Free Republic lose faith in the justice system, we are in serious trouble.

Here is a typical comment:

To: TommyDale

"Multiply that in North Carolina, where the legal system can screw innocent people and the general public would never know,"

That is everywhere in the country.

10 posted on 01/24/2007 6:14:39 AM PST by SmoothTalker

Cross Posted at Power and Control

posted by Simon on 01.27.07 at 01:56 PM


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If you look at the First American Revolution, the circumstances that will push Americans to violence are pretty clear cut: a sense of disenfranchisement, and a sense that they are unable to recieve redress for grievances. With all the talk of "stolen elections" and "selected not elected" we are getting close to the first condition, and this sort of thing makes the second much stronger.

These are the factors that I see leading us towards violence in the next ten years, not partisanship.

Phelps   ·  January 28, 2007 06:21 PM

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