Economics In A Free World

Air is Free

How do you get people to pay for air?

1. Sell them an air purifier
2. Sell them an air freshener
3. Sell them oxygen in a bottle
4. Sell them an air conditioner


The cost of air is zero.

What is its value?

Cross Posted at Power and Control

posted by Simon on 01.16.07 at 02:39 AM


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Are you sure you're taking into account the cost to the environment of exhaling? CO2 is a deadly gas, and while the air might be technically "free," the fact is, every time we breathe, we emit deadly global greenhouse gases.

It's the exhalation we should tax -- and heavily!

To save the planet!

Eric Scheie   ·  January 16, 2007 08:47 AM

Don't forget oxygen bars.

Oh yea on your post a few weeks back on carriers doubleing up in the Mideast.

You were right I was wrong.

Jim C   ·  January 16, 2007 11:30 AM

I remember an old Donald Duck comic book.

Somehow Sharkey The Lawyer got Donald (it involved a lawsuit against Eric The Red) to agree to charge for oxygen breathed and measured by a mandatory oxygen mask.

The advertising line went:

"A gasp - ten cents;
A wheeze - one quarter;
A Deep Breath - Call for an estimate."

Same idea as you described, Eric...

Good Ole Charlie   ·  January 16, 2007 03:02 PM

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