We Could Have A War On Our Hands

The Iranian economy must really be hurting from America's Cash Flow Jihad on Iran. The Jerusalem Post reports on Iran's latests threats.

A senior Iranian officer warned that if the West continues to threaten Iran's economy over its nuclear program, Teheran will discontinue the flow of oil via the Strait of Hormuz, Israel Radio reported Monday.

According to the officer, 40% of the world's oil is transferred through the strait, and the world is dependent on Iran for a source of energy and a stable economy.

I do believe that there is a war coming to Iran.

This threat might explain why a second carrier battle group is headed to the gulf.

The aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis is scheduled to leave the United States this month for the Gulf region in a Naval buildup aimed partly as a warning to Iran. Officials decided to send the Stennis strike group on top of a carrier group already in the region on a request late last year from the U.S. Central Command, the military unit in charge of activities there as well as the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, a senior Pentagon official said Thursday.
Note that the threat was always implicit. All this changes is making it explicit.

Cross Posted at Power and Control

posted by Simon on 01.08.07 at 10:43 AM


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Love the blog but you are off on this comment.

This threat might explain why a second carrier battle group is headed to the gulf.

To get some better information on why the battle groups go in an out and sometimes double up in the gulf check out.


He is a pretty popular sub blogger.

Jim C   ·  January 8, 2007 12:07 PM

bubblehead and I have exchanged e-mails occasionally.

He thinks I'm barely OK because I was a surface nuke reactor operator. The guys running oil burners don't get no respect. LOL

In any case thanks for the reminder.

M. Simon   ·  January 8, 2007 02:03 PM

Didn't know you were a nuke. I have been reading you for a while and never caught it. I was a nuke bubblehead a decade or so ago.

Like I said love the blog but remember they have to turn over the watch sometime. Just because there are two doesn't mean we are up to anything. Not that it hurts to keep them worried.

Jim C   ·  January 9, 2007 01:53 PM

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