Save Time with hard truth?

Well, the truth is that someone always has to be Man Person of the Year, and in a no-holds-barred WorldNetDaily piece, Pat Buchanan has nominated Iranian President Mahmood Ahmadinejad, who (claims Buchanan) is more qualified for the honor than, well, you:

Perhaps it was fear that the face of the Iranian president on the cover of Time would repel the American people and be death for sales.

Surely that was the reasoning behind Time's refusal to name Osama bin Laden in 2001, choosing Rudy Giuliani instead, though history is unlikely to conclude that Rudy, his crowded hour notwithstanding, was the central figure of that annus horribilis.

Richard Stengel, editor of Time, as much as concedes he could not bring himself to choose by the traditional standard, if that meant choosing Ahmadinejad: "It just felt to me a little off selecting him."

Understandably. But the refusal to select Ahmadinejad reveals an unwillingness to confront hard truths.

I agree with Pat, and I try to be willing to confront hard truths. Now that I think it over, perhaps I am less qualified to be Person of the Year than President Ahmadinejad.

However, some truths are harder than others. And while I agree that Pat Buchanan's truth is harder than Time's, I think the former might be missing an even harder truth. Much as I hate making judgments over things like whose truths are harder, I think the cowardly failure to make Mahmood Ahmadinejad Man of the Year might be grounded in Time's failure to confront another hard truth which Buchanan never mentions: the glaring, even shocking, deficiencies in President Ahmadinejad's wardrobe.

Let's face it, folks, no matter what yardstick we use (whether conservative preppy, Manhattan Metrosexual, or even Queer Eye for the Straight Guy), the undeniably hard truth is that stylistically speaking, Mahmood Ahmadinejad is a dismal failure.

I am by no means the first to notice. Others (particularly those with fashion expertise) have complained. But so far as I know, I'm the only one to have offered to supply Ahmadinejad with a necktie, and in order to leave nothing to the imagination of those who imagine (and visualize) world peace, I tried to show the world what he would look like wearing one. According to the most elementary logic, if a necktie on Ahmadinejad could help bring about world peace, then imagine -- just Imagine! -- what might happen if the world could only see him wearing the same necktie on the cover of Time!

So, in the interest of saving Time, I hurriedly made a few alterations, and came up with what I think might be fashion's final solution for world peace:


A necktie at the right time and in the right place might do wonders for world peace.

I know, I know. Not everybody likes neckties.

But since when are hard truths always comfortable?

posted by Eric on 12.19.06 at 12:29 PM


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Hey, it worked for Hitler.

Man of the year, world peace, the works.

Sigivald   ·  December 19, 2006 02:11 PM

How about a necktie party? Is that what you have in mind, you devil you!

tag   ·  December 19, 2006 05:32 PM

Maybe he can find that woman that Al Gore hired to teach him how to dress like a man back when he was running foe pres...

Heffalump   ·  December 19, 2006 06:24 PM

The knot on the necktie is on the wrong side of his neck and the rest of the tie is insufficiently supported.

And it is the wrong material. In this politically correct age it ought to be hemp all the way.

M. Simon   ·  December 19, 2006 09:22 PM

Perhaps Mr Ahmedinejad ought to expand his fashion horizons a bit. Since I always try to be helpful, and with an eye toward helping him lose both his hard-line image and the nickname "Ineedadinnerjacket", I have a simple proposal.

He could adopt the burka, and become a trend-setter. Sort of a way to turn a weakness into strength.

Socrates   ·  December 20, 2006 01:06 PM

Bear in mind that he borrowed the tie from Glenn Greenwald....

Eric Scheie   ·  December 20, 2006 11:35 PM

Ever since the backlash they received for putting the Ayatollah on the cover as man of the year in 1979, Time has avoided naming anyone even slightly controversial. They never named Saddam, for example, dedicating 1991 to Ted Turner.

Jon Thompson   ·  December 21, 2006 03:59 AM

Speaking of Mr. Ahmadinejad, what was the result of the recent Tehran "historical review" conference? Did they decide whether the Holocaust really happened or whether it was just a hoax - like those giant albino alligators in New York City's sewers? I'd like to know what they concluded.

Chocolatier   ·  December 21, 2006 05:07 PM

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