Have a nice day, asshole!

Something seemed to be wrong with this report linked by Ann Althouse:

"Two Borat-inspired British animal rights activists clad in lettuce bikinis braved the winter chill in the Kazakh commercial capital Almaty"
The goal is to make the Kazakhs stop eating horses, and while there's no way for me to know how inspired they were by Borat, I have a different worry.

Isn't it a little irresponsible for the International Herald Tribune to promote the idea of a "winter chill" anywhere? I mean, Almaty is about the same latitude as Detroit, and we have Global Warming in Detroit. Sure enough, right now it's a balmy 42 degrees Fahrenheit in Detroit. But over in Almaty when I checked at 10:00 this morning, it was 14 degrees.

Is the meltdown imminent? I doubt it. I think that it's going to get colder. A lot colder. In fact, although I'd love to be wrong, I predict that January and February are going to be unpleasantly cold at the very least. It's why I always whine about the weather here on the East Coast. It makes me want to move back to California.

But right now, all I can say is "What a beautiful day!" It's a balmy 56 degrees around here, but the weather is so politicized that people don't know how fortunate they are. I mean, what do they want? The usual misery where you have to run outside and then run inside?

It's the oddest thing, but I just got back from running a few errands, and on one of them I got the strangest look when I exclaimed what a beautiful day it was. She looked at me quizically, and instead of simply saying yes, she said, in a suspicious tone, "You've noticed too, haven't you?" I didn't want to ruin pleasantries by getting into another global gas debate, so I merely said something about how it was feeling almost like California weather and made me homesick. (Yes, things you love can make you homesick too!)

Why would anyone be perturbed by a nice day? There's no denying that it's a nice one, as the sun is shining and everything is clear and beautiful, but people are downright uneasy. As if they think the world is about to explode. Am I alone in thinking these people are a bit crazy? Or am I crazy for not being miserable on a nice day?

I guess I should fly to Almaty and take my clothes off so I can be more miserable.

posted by Eric on 12.14.06 at 03:09 PM


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And I thought that the problem with the report was that there were no pictures.

But that's just me.

Brad   ·  December 14, 2006 04:47 PM

Play dumb. Act as if you've never heard of Global Warming. When people explain (and they don't always), act as if they made the whole thing up as a bad joke.

It's quite easy, and will make your day.

Americans for generations have been working their whole lives for the freedom to move to Florida or Arizona when they retire. Florida and Arizona average more than 30 degF warmer than the Northern US. We are being driven to hives over average temperatures rising one degree since we were kids.

Global Warming is the best thing that could happen.

Flames >/dev/null

socrates   ·  December 14, 2006 11:44 PM

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