My dirty thoughts

Are political thought crimes occupying the same ecological niche once reserved for pornography?

It certainly seems that way to me. Perhaps it's because I'm old enough to remember when people used to freak out about things that were "DIRTY!" and "SHAMEFUL!" -- but now they do it in response to mere opinions voiced publicly.

Ann Althouse will serve as a perfect example. She upsets people and generates hysteria in much the same way Larry Flynt once did, only there's no hard core porn. Just opinions with which people disagree.

Even the criticism takes on a sexual flavor. This web site is a perfect example. Not only does Ann Althouse become "Ann Outhouse" but Pajamas Media becomes a moving asshole:


I think it's a regurgitation of William S. Burroughs's idea of the "talking asshole." While being considered akin to pornography doesn't bother me, I realize that's a bad attitude. Callused, at least. Perhaps I should reassure people lest someone mistake my analogy for a moral equivalency argument.

But then again, perhaps I shouldn't.

(It's no fun having to explain everything. I'd rather plead guilty to having a filthy mind.)

posted by Eric on 12.12.06 at 08:47 AM


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This trend can also be seen at That randy blonde tart enjoys posting an "F" word or two as often as possible, it seems.

I often wondered if political speech would have better protection if it were written on the "naughty bits" of web sluts than it now has under McCain-Feingold.

rob   ·  December 12, 2006 11:09 AM

I once raised some ire by suggesting that your average "liberal's" perfect wet dream must be about getting buggered by Hillary Clinton wearing a black leather "Ilse, She-Wolf of the IRS" outfit and a big strap-on. But why is that so off base? I mean, to me, anyone who is some kind of State-socialist has a strong sadomasochistic tendency anyway.

Bilwick   ·  December 12, 2006 01:21 PM

Since you are a Burroughs fan how about Naked Lunch on line?

The page linked is one of my favorites.

The Parties of Interzone

M. Simon   ·  December 12, 2006 07:18 PM

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