Better green than dead?

John Beck has been AWOL for too long, not only from this blog, but from his own blog.

Sorry John, but saying "I'm not dead yet" just doesn't cut it.

I saw John last night, and from the way he was acting, I think he might be hiding something from his readers. Here's a picture I took, unretouched and absolutely not PhotoShopped or altered in any way.


I'm not trying to be judgmental or anything, and I think John should be free to believe whatever he wants and say or advocate whatever he wants -- even right here on this blog. But I can read links, and I'm beginning to understand why John might be not in a hurry to face his readers.

posted by Eric on 11.05.06 at 07:40 PM


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More substantively, I really don't get the furor over global warming. I mean, I understand the furor itself as a demonstration of the potential harm of populist rule. But why is it a given that making the place warm is going to be bad, and so much more bad that to prevent it we all have to live in grass huts or, even worse, listen to speeches by Al Gore?

I thought change was good for us.

loren heal   ·  November 6, 2006 10:39 AM

Sometimes I even scare myself.

Beck   ·  November 7, 2006 08:47 AM

It's a dilemma isn't it, global warming alarmists are completely wrong and so are the naysayers with their heads in the sand.

so who do we godless anti-metaphysicians laught at most?

Grass huts are, however, highly underrated as with modern technology they can hold highly efficient solar panels as well as even be made out of marijuana and even have Stalin posters hung on their walls.

But to put this all in perspective popular rule is indeed dangerous, as Hitler showed us when he abolished democracy in 20th century Germany.

What is better is a system of philosopher kings as proposed by Plato, because you can certainly trust Plato to not have a vested self interest in philosophers gaining power.

Anonymous   ·  November 10, 2006 11:19 PM

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