Stiffing socialism

Thanks to an email from blogger and commenter James Rummel, I discovered (only after about a half an hour of trial and error experimentation) that MT Blacklist would not allow any comment which used the word "Socialism."

OK, I hate socialism, and I freely admit my bias. But never in my wildest dreams would I even think of banning the word, and I couldn't imagine what would possess my anti-spam software to do that either. It's not as if I've been getting spam from Trotskyites, or anything that would trigger automatic deletions of such words. Besides, James Rummel was making a point not about ordinary socialism, but "National Socialism." Even that wasn't allowed.

The words "socialist" and "socialism" simply would not go through -- either alone or in combination with other words. But "social" went through.

Finally, I saw the problem.

"Socialism" contains a very-banned, very-offensive word:


I deleted that from MT-Blacklist's banned words, and now anyone can comment about socialists, or socialism.

Googling around, I discovered that I am not alone.

Here's The Liberal Avenger, in a post titled "SoCIALISm":

Who knew?

The disappearing comments were due to the popular drug name CIALIS playing an integral role in every soCIALISt here.

In light of this I wonder what the reasoning was behind Lilly Pharmaceuticals’ decision to call their drug CIALIS.

Labor Day celebrations frequented by workers with raging hard-ons?

Workers of the World - frolic around my May Pole.

[Update: OK - lame joke. Who can write the best May Pole joke now?]

"ˇCIALIS O MUERTE!" I'd say. . .

(I bet old Fidel could use a dose of the former while he awaits the latter . . . Stiff either way, coming or going!)

posted by Eric on 07.27.06 at 12:45 PM


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Have you stopped to consider what cialis can do for you?
(j/k)I don't take that, I find c!@l!$ is a much better product (again j/k)

anomdebus   ·  July 27, 2006 02:38 PM


There is no Cultural War and it doesn't need to be ended.

Straw Men are set up by politicians in order to scare people. Thus, the culture war is a fabricaton meant to occupy and distract you while they take away your rights and your future and push us all back to the 19th Century.

RayButler   ·  July 27, 2006 03:06 PM

Actually, I think we had more rights in the 19th century. At least you could smoke in public. No cialis though so its a tough call.

Mick   ·  July 27, 2006 03:55 PM


Beck   ·  July 27, 2006 04:33 PM

Actually, I think we had more rights in the 19th century.

I want to see you tell that to minorities and women. They couldn't vote. Something tells me that they wouldn't be impressed by your claims that smoking is the ultimate right.


James R. Rummel   ·  July 27, 2006 06:18 PM

I'm generally not moved to consult select groups if my opinions are acceptable to them. Why should I care if they arent impressed?

Mick   ·  July 27, 2006 10:04 PM

Ray- My imagination must be playing tricks on me once more. I could have sworn I saw people practically rioting in front of the Da Vinci Code, Passion, and Shrek II.

On the other hand, while you are clearly a madman for pretending the culture war doesn't exist, it is being used by people who claim to advocate for one side or the other to take away rights from everyone. So, you are right about that.

Jon Thompson   ·  July 28, 2006 03:19 AM

And which side is the bad side, Jon? Don't bother to answer. When there are sides of the imagination, it always seems as if the straight white American men who feel the sting of discrimination the worst. My heart goes out to you.

RayButler   ·  July 28, 2006 09:53 AM

You are a horse's ass.

RayButler   ·  July 28, 2006 09:53 AM

Here's some more socialism for ya, courtesy GOP (via those commie pinko fags at NY Times):

House GOP may allow vote on min. wage -- with poison pills, of course

The question is how much the GOP will do to screw up the vote:
“American workers deserve a fair vote on a minimum wage increase, not a vote on a bill that’s larded up with harmful provisions,” said Representative George Miller of California, the senior Democrat on the Committee on Education and the Workforce.

Lawmakers and senior officials said the details of the proposal were still being developed. Members of the leadership said they expected that the plan would be to raise the pay scale gradually, reaching at least $7.25 an hour over about two years.

Others suggested that the legislation could also be tied to a Republican proposal to create small-business health plans, which they say could decrease the costs of health insurance for small employers.
Word from the Hill is that the GOP will definitely offer several poison pills to undermine the legislation. The Republicans spend a lot and energy screwing over the poor. Someone should suggest legislation that members of Congress make the minimum wage.

RayButler   ·  July 28, 2006 09:55 AM

Ray, I am sorry to see you're so upset. I have tried to be nice to you, but you keep coming here and complaining in a manner that suggests you don't especially like my blog, the things I post about, or how many times I might write about things that you don't think I should be writing about. It's as if you think I should take direction from you. I am not telling you what you should write about, so it all strikes me as a bit unfair.

On top of that, now you've insulted one of my commenters.

I'm pretty tolerant of other points of view, but I can't allow stuff like that. While you're only discrediting your own arguments by hurling insults, at this point I find myself wondering whether you're really interested in making a point, or whether you're trying to get attention.

Are you trying to get me to block your comments so that you can claim you were "censored"?

Come on, be honest!

Eric Scheie   ·  July 28, 2006 10:17 AM

"And which side is the bad side, Jon? Don't bother to answer. When there are sides of the imagination, it always seems as if the straight white American men who feel the sting of discrimination the worst. My heart goes out to you."

Despite this comment being directed at another commenter, it also seems pretty safe to assume its also aimed at this blog and its author(s) as well. If you'd take a little time to read back through the archives, you may realize what this blog is actually about and how utterly silly your comment is.

Your knee-jerk reaction to the blogs title and caption combined with your wildly predjudiced (and wrong) summation of the entirety of this blogs political views, is indicative of a groupthink mentality. I advise you to take a look around, actually read something and then realize how far you've just stuffed your foot in your mouth.

"You are a horse's ass."

Yes. I am.

Mick   ·  July 28, 2006 12:12 PM

Ray- Don't bother to answer? OK!

Jon Thompson   ·  July 29, 2006 01:40 AM

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