Building falls after explosion in NYC

Links at the top of the Drudge Report point to two preliminary stories: WNBC and Breitbart. There's nothing on the local news in Philadelphia save a feed on CBS 3 from a chopper showing billowing smoke, but this is done picture-in-picture while the regular program continues.

Details are few and sketchy (from WNBC):

A three-story building on Manhattan's East Side went up in flames and collapsed Monday after what witnesses said was a thunderous explosion that rocked the neighborhood.

The cause was not immediately known, and at least two people were under evaluation at a hospital.


TV host Larry King, who had been in his hotel room nearby, described the explosion to CNN as sounding like a bomb and feeling like an earthquake.

The reporter had the sense to include a pertinent detail in light of recent threats: the subway was unaffected.

UPDATE: From SFGate: "The cause was not immediately known, though White House press secretary Tony Snow said there was no indication of terrorism."

UPDATE 2: Salt Lake City's CBS affiliate says: "Con Edision was investigating a smell of natural gass in the area earlier in the morning, according to WCBS-TV reports."

UPDATE 3: The latest Drudge link suggests a doctor's attempted suicide.

posted by Dennis on 07.10.06 at 09:48 AM


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If the cause was not known, logic dictates that as of yet, there is "no indication of terrorism."

Nor is there any indication of involvement by, say, Hugo Chavez.

How could there be? There hasn't been time for an investigation.

Eric Scheie   ·  July 10, 2006 11:32 AM

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