libertarians who support border controls are all Nazis!

Via Drudge, my attention was drawn to the views of this Democratic candidate for Alabama Attorney General:

BIRMINGHAM -- A Democratic candidate for attorney general denies the Holocaust occurred and said Friday he will speak this weekend to a "pro-white" organization that is widely viewed as being racist.

Larry Darby concedes his views are radical, but he said they should help him win wide support among Alabama voters as he tries to "reawaken white racial awareness" with his campaign against Mobile County District Attorney John Tyson.

The state Democratic chairman, Joe Turnham, said the party became aware of some of Darby's views only days ago and was considering what to do about his candidacy.

"Any type of hatred toward groups of people, especially for political gain, is completely unacceptable in the Alabama Democratic Party," said Turnham.

Speaking in an interview with The Associated Press, Darby said he believes no more than 140,000 Jewish people died in Europe during World War II, and most of them succumbed to ty phus.

Historians say about 6 mil lion Jews were slaughtered by the Nazis, but Darby said the figure is a false claim of the "Holocaust industry."

Not only that, he's coming to New Jersey!
Darby said he will speak today near Newark, N.J., at a meeting of National Vanguard, which bills itself as an advocate for the white race. Some of his campaign materials are posted on the group's Internet site.

"It's time to stop pushing down the white man. We've been discriminated against too long," Darby said in the interview.

A poll published last month indicated the Democratic race for attorney general was up for grabs. The survey showed 21 percent favored Tyson to 12 percent for Darby, but 68 percent of respondents were undecided.

Darby, founder of the Atheist Law Center and a longtime supporter of separation of church and state, said he has no money for campaign advertising and has made only a few campaign speeches.

Tyson said aside from his views on race and the Holocaust, Darby also has publicly advocated legalizing drugs and shooting all illegal immigrants.

An atheist activist?

A Holocaust denier who wants to legalize drugs and shoot illegal immigrants?

Where did the Democratic Party find such a candidate? Might he be trying to make the Democrats look bad?

Something smelled fishy to me. I soon discovered that he has a history with the Libertarian Party (which apparently does about as well vetting its candidates as the Democratic Party).

And Eugene Volokh has been all over this guy (including discussions about the "Zionist-Occupied Government" meme, his bizarre form of atheism, and more).

A common method of discrediting unpopular or unusual views is guilt by association: to attempt to link them to views which are immoral, dishonest, or otherwise beyond the pale. I'll never forget that during the California Civil Rights Initiative campaign, initiative opponents managed to bring racist David Duke to California ostensibly to "debate" the Initiative. This was a thinly veiled attempt to tar the Initiative's supporters as racists, and fortunately, the voters weren't fooled, as they passed the initiative anyway. But it played well as a demagogic sound byte.

"If you support this initiative, you agree with David Duke!" was a common refrain.

I don't know how far it will get, but the meme in Alabama, I suppose, is along the lines of "if you're an atheist who believes in legalizing drugs, you must be a Nazi!"

And now the border control issue has been added to the mix.


This Larry Darby guy. He couldn't be an agent provocateur, could he?

posted by Eric on 05.16.06 at 08:10 AM


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