RINOs chase away 39th Birthday Blues

This week's Raging RINOs Carnival is hosted by Gary at Ex-Donkey Blog.

Gary, who will soon be celebrating his 39th birthday "for the first time," has "volunteered to host this edition of the carnival to take my mind off of this upcoming event and I was treated to a great round of submissions."

One of them includes this fascinating debate with the Commissar over evolution. (I admire Ace's stamina in arguing with people who will never be convinced.)

Newsflash for those who believe the line that "the Internet" is destroying newspapers. Read Don Surber:

Far from being the death knell of newspapers, the Internet is saving print journalism.
Don explains why, with facts and figures.

Many of the submissions discuss the NSA's analysis of phone records. So many, in fact, that this week's Carnival serves as an excellent RINO NSA roundup. (The roundup includes posts from AJ Strata, Decision 08, SoCalLawBlog, Environmental Republican, Tinkerty Tonk, and Cold Hearted Truth.)

Great carnival.

"Keep Raging!" says Gary.

(Why, when I turned 39, I had only just begun to rage. . .)

posted by Eric on 05.15.06 at 10:27 AM


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Thanks for the link and the comments.

Re: stamina. I really don't have that much. Occasionally, I get energized and will take on such a debate. But I weary of the same old issues quickly, let it die out, then swear I'll never do it again. .. Until the next time. :)

The Commissar   ·  May 15, 2006 11:11 AM

Heh! I wish I had a dollar for every time I swore I'd never face the weary issues again until the next time. (You couldn't pay me enough, so it should seem . . .)

Eric Scheie   ·  May 15, 2006 04:24 PM

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