20th Raging of the RINOs!

This week's RINO Sightings Carnival has been posted by Judith Weiss at one of the first blogs I read as a beginning blogger, the wonderful Kesher Talk. All the posts are good, and Judith (who, BTW, runs a RINO and DINO social club) does a nice job of categorizing and summarizing them.

Here are the ones which stood out for me:

  • Judith's own post on leftist human rights hypocrisy -- which Judith calls "rampant narcissism disguised as social activism." She's right.
  • Respectful Insolence makes a very compelling argument against criminalization of speech, even of the most offensive variety, and I couldn't agree more.
  • Larry Bernard has a great post about bogus religious arguments made on Tookie Williams' behalf.
  • Evolution has a must-read post about the absurdity of identity politics in the NAACP's attack on Donovan McNabb.
  • Cardinal Martini hates obnoxious movie theater patrons as much as I do, and says things I'm generally too nice to say in my blog. (But it's fun, and very tempting....)
  • Last, be sure to read both AJ-Strata's and Bostonian Exile's posts about the NSA wiretapping issue. (For those who might be wondering why I haven't been yelling and screaming about this not-so-new, puffed up scandal, I didn't like the NSA's conduct under Bill Clinton, and I don't like it now. The difference is that we're now at war, bad things happen in war, and rules are usually broken. The important thing is that the Constitution reign supreme. Things done in war like illegal searches (and torture for that matter) must remain illegal. Our protection is that the fruits of illegal searches and coerced confessions cannot be used in any criminal prosecutions. I think this is politically motivated Monday morning quarterbacking, some of it coming from people who approved the whole deal.)
  • Anyway, go read the rest!

    posted by Eric on 12.19.05 at 04:17 PM


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    As always, thanks for the link!

    The Bostonian Exile   ·  December 19, 2005 05:37 PM

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