Word of the day

And Charles Hill invented it:


As Charles said, "If that wasn't a word, it is now."

Why can't I think up cool new words like that?

(I need to find out what Charles is on, and get me some.)

posted by Eric on 10.20.05 at 05:31 PM


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"Ideo-illogical" That's excellent! Thank you! I must start using that.

Geez, it's spreading. :)

CGHill   ·  October 20, 2005 07:26 PM

Tom Coburn is obviously right about that bridge in Alaska, but I'd love to have him give more speeches about Lesbianism in the girls' restroom. That's a subject that bears much discussing.

United States Supreme Court, 1961: Communist Party vs. Subversive Activities Control Board

"There exists a world Communist movement which, in its origins, its development, and its present practice, is a world-wide revolutionary movement whose purpose it is, by treachery, deceit, infiltration into other groups (governmental and otherwise), espionage, sabotage, terrorism, and any other means deemed necessary, to establish a Communist totalitarian dictatorship in the countries throughout the world through the medium of a world-wide Communist organization."

The Two Isms: Lesbianism vs. Communism

Don't you mean "bares much discussing"?

Eric Scheie   ·  October 21, 2005 10:04 AM

The Goddess vs. the Godless

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