Chesty Puller turns in his grave

Hard as it is to accept, a U.S. Marine was spying for Philippine politicians while working in the White House.

Federal investigators say Aragoncillo, a naturalized citizen from the Philippines, used his top secret clearance to steal classified intelligence documents from White House computers.

In 2000, Aragoncillo worked on the staff of then-Vice President Al Gore. When interviewed by Philippine television, he remarked how valued Philippine employees were at the White House.

"I think what they like most is our integrity and loyalty," Aragoncillo said.

I expect a virtual slap on the wrist, but a Marine who disgraces the Corps and his country in such a fashion deserves the most severe penalty.

NOTE: It appears that the spying was actually done under Cheney.

UPDATE: Commenter dnmore links to and cites a NYT piece which corrects errors in what ABCnews was touting as an 'exclusive.' It's a good thing they excluded the NYT from carrying the same misinformation.

The ABCnews article implied that Aragoncillo spied from Dick Cheney's office while in the Marine Corps. It appears that the espionage occurred after Aragoncillo left the Corps and joined the FBI, and that now his time in the White House is being investigated as well.

Thanks go out to dnmore.

But Chesty wouldn't be any less disgusted.

posted by Dennis on 10.06.05 at 10:07 AM


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The NY Times offers an important clarification on the ABC News reports that the spying incident only deals information taken since joining the Agency in 2004 and specifically there is no corroboration that he stolke information from the whitehouse. Specifically in this article

"The charges filed against Mr. Aragoncillo relate only to classified information that officials say he took from F.B.I. computers after joining the agency in July 2004.

But the investigation is widening, officials said, in light of the fact that he had worked for several years prior to joining the agency as a marine in the vice president's office under both Al Gore and Mr. Cheney. Military aides usually hold security clearances.

ABC News reported Wednesday night that Mr. Aragoncillo was accused of stealing classified material from White House computers at the vice president's office, including information damaging to President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo.

On Wednesday, government officials said they had no corroboration that any material had been taken from the vice president's office, but they acknowledged that investigators had been focusing on Mr. Aragoncillo's work at the White House."

dnmore   ·  October 6, 2005 11:06 AM

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