The more Raging RINOs, the better!

This week's RINO Roundup has been posted by Countertop, who begins with a look at one of history's greatest RINOs.

I don't want to spoil it, so go read it. Otherwise, you'll miss it, and you'll also be missing out on posts like these:

  • ATTENTION: If you don't read anything else, if you really want to know why RINOs are raging, please READ THIS POST! (And weep.) Republican James Sensenbrenner would make it a federal five-year felony NOT to rat on young drug offenders, would make add three years to the sentence of anyone who owned a gun when committing non-violent crimes like bankruptcy fraud, and would treat possession of drugs as sales. I wrote a post about this back in April, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised to see that freedom has been losing ground since then. How does one discuss such menaces without engaging in hyperbole, anyway?

  • If there's one thing RINOS are against, it's idiotic legislation, and Tinkerty Tonk has a whole list of them. Read 'em and weep some more.
  • SayUncle reports that ammo sales are up, and offers some reasons why.
  • Very interesting historical post at Searchlight Crusade, who concludes with a simple request of believers in Islam:
    All we ask is that you forswear the idea of conquest in the name of your religion. This is something that every other major religion has managed. It is now your turn.
    Should I hold my breath?
  • Mark at Decision08 reflects on why the MSM hates us, and warns,
    get your facts straight...or there will be a Krempasky somewhere to correct you, and if he's wrong, someone else will let him know. How is that not a good thing? If what we're ultimately after is truth, the more seekers, the better...

    Agreed. And the RINO Carnival has more.

  • posted by Eric on 07.25.05 at 12:42 PM


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    This Herr Sensenbrenner sounds as bad as Santorum. We are being regulated to death by bigger and ever bigger government, and certain "Republicans" aren't helping.

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