Serial attack wingnut attacks again!

While I'm not exactly sure what the correct definition of "wingnut" or wingnuttery is, the phrase is almost always intended as an insult; the clear implication being that the "wingnut" is both an extremist as well as not mentally stable. Nat Hentoff is someone I greatly respect (regardless of whether I might agree with him on every issue), and when I saw him accused of "wingnuttery," I was more than a little bothered.

Not that I really needed to defend him. Nat Hentoff is a big boy who can certainly take care of himself without my help. But then I saw what the same accuser said about Kim du Toit:

I remember once having a long conversation with an idiot student over Du Toit's awful "pussification" essay. A quick perusal of his "blog" confirms that he fulfills all of the requirements of the selection committee: His blogging is both "rank" and "incompetent". When I can find more cogently argued, logical, and reasonable arguments six beers into an evening from 6 of 7 patrons at my dad's favorite sports bar in Nebraska, it means that you're not making much of a contribution. At the bar, at least I can get drunk.

Congratulations, Mr. Du Toit. You've won a lifetime subscription to Lawyers, Guns and Money, as soon as we start charging. To his multitude of readers, I can only ask the following: Who is more pathetic? The sap, or the saps who read him? A decent blogger actually introduces new ideas; he does not simply confirm what you already believed but were too ashamed to verbalize.

Like Hentoff, du Toit can certainly defend himself, and he had fun doing so. But I dislike ad hominem attacks and the hurling of insults, so at the time I thought I should at least say something in defense of Hentoff and du Toit. (If I'd known who the "idiot student" was I'd have probably defended him too.)

Now I see the same blogger claiming that in my defense of Hentoff and du Toit, I "attacked" their attacker.

Did I?

After quoting from the piece that earned Nat Hentoff the "wingnut" label, I said this :

There's more, and while I know everyone's tired of reading about the Schiavo case, seeing Nat Hentoff accused of "wingnuttery" -- by the same people who've just honored Kim du Toit with this breathtakingly ingenious exercise in academic wit -- made me feel obliged.
I suppose the phrase "breathtakingly ingenious exercise in academic wit" was sarcastic, and maybe I shouldn't have been sarcastic. (Under the circumstances at the time, it seemed rather gentle and restrained.)

But is a sarcastic characterization of a vicious attack really an attack? I meant it as a defense of Kim du Toit, who was called "rank," "incompetent," and "pathetic" by a teacher who simultaneously called his student an "idiot." It's name-calling, and I don't like it.

I objected to it then, and I object to it now. If objecting to the use of insults is an attack, then I guess this objection to the objection has to also be called an attack.

If it is, further discussion is about as productive as calling each other names.

posted by Eric on 06.15.05 at 03:41 PM


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I admire Nat Hentoff, who has always been a consistent defender of the First Amendment and other Constitutional rights, including the right to life. Kim du Toit has style also, as does Mrs. du Toit. I should mention that Kim du Toit fought against apartheid in South Africa before he moved to the United States, and Nat Hentoff had always been thought of as a man of the Left when I was growing up. It was the Left that left him.

You didn't attack anyone. You made fun of their writing. Everyone writes stupid stuff. (Obviously it's the percentage that keeps or loses readers.) People who can't stand for their writing to be critisized need to work with Congress to get their beliefs enshrined into enforcable law. :-)

Huggy   ·  June 16, 2005 12:14 PM

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