His death might be fake, but the real story is essentially true!

According to what passes for wisdom in some circles, it "doesn't matter" whether certain allegations are true, even if they later turn out to be false:

After the Brawley hoax, an article in the Nation magazine argued that it "doesn't matter" whether Brawley was lying, since the pattern of whites abusing blacks is true. And when Rigoberta Menchú's famous account of class and ethnic warfare in Guatemala was revealed to be largely false, many professors said this didn't matter much because her book contained emotional truth.

(Via the Quietest.)

Applying this principle to the allegations that Michael Crook was murdered, a few things become clear:

  • Michael Crook was hated.
  • The people who hated him were professional killers belonging to America's murder machine, and they wanted him dead.
  • The murderers were driven by a mobilizing passion to impose a fascist one party state in America.
  • They had the military training and expertise, as well as the murder weapons necessary to do the job.
  • Therefore, they might just as well have killed him. And really, it's just as if they did. The mere fact that he survived this time doesn't mean that they wouldn't have succeeded on another occasion. Nor does it mean that they won't succeed in the future.

    Millions of victims of the same military machine that wants him dead are already dead.

    Therefore, the much-touted "fact" that he appears to be alive is completely irrelevant in larger terms of reality-based truths. It simply doesn't matter whether the assorted wingnuts avail themselves of their technically accurate claims that he's "alive," because when seen in terms of the overall global picture Michael Crook might just as well have been killed.

    Avenge Michael Crook!

    UPDATE: Michael Crook has revenged on silly me.

    posted by Eric on 05.17.05 at 10:04 PM


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    Dylan Barrell   ·  May 17, 2005 11:53 PM

    "Reality-based community," of course, makes us think (at first) of an enlightened, informed, and sophisticated group of people who weigh the facts before coming to judgment. Skepticism by another name. They, understandably, criticize religious believers for believing in things like "God," even there is no empirical, positivist data that can confirm the existence of such an entity.

    Why, then, do facts not matter when it comes to issues like this? Is that any less "reality-based?"

    Pedro B   ·  May 18, 2005 10:52 AM

    If you're interested:

    Crook, Michael webmaster@michaelcrook.com
    201 East Jefferson Street
    Unit #301
    Syracuse, New York 13202
    United States
    Phone 315-295-2602

    I can't be responsible for what one does with this information. However, I hope it is entertaining.

    Shane Davis   ·  May 19, 2005 02:52 PM

    This Michael guy is no more than a trolling scum bucket. Plain and simple. He really does deserve bad karma. Take for instance here locally a woman walked off a bus and was shot by some cretin.

    Franny Ward   ·  May 19, 2005 06:12 PM

    Come on spammers come and get his hotmail address.


    Anonymous   ·  May 20, 2005 11:00 PM

    After doing some research, I have learned that this idiots website is hosted through "enom.com".

    The phone # is, 425.274.4500
    The general email is, info@enom.com

    If anyone would like to complain, this is the correct contact info.

    Fuddpucker   ·  May 21, 2005 06:59 AM

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