Heretic flies prefer honey!

Via Roger L. Simon, I found this very depressing article on the refusal (apparently by moderate Muslims) to condemn the murder of Theo Van Gogh.

Smugness oozes from European politicians who demand that Muslims repudiate violence as a precondition for residence in the West. To repudiate the death sentence for blasphemy would be the same as abandoning the Islamic order in traditional society in favor of a Western-style religion of personal conscience. The West spent centuries of time and rivers of blood to make such a transition, and carried it off badly. Whether Islam can do so at all remains doubtful.
It certainly is bad news that moderate Muslims refuse to denounce cold-blooded murder, as well as depressing to contemplate that Islam itself may be the problem. But it is not "hypocrisy" for America to demand from its citizens basic adherence to a minimum standard of religious tolerance upon which it has been based since the American founding. It's all fine and good for the Asia Times to deliver moralistic lectures about Thomas Aquinas and the execution of heretics, but with all due respect, America has never been known for the execution of heretics; quite the contrary.

I am not convinced that all Muslims believe in the death penalty for blasphemy. If they do, then they'd better not try carrying it out here. And whether there are moderate Muslims or not (I happen to think there are), it still behooves us to behave as if there are (along the lines of divide and conquer).

Hell, many would argue that we're a nation of heretics anyway, and always have been.

Might as well be proud of it.

posted by Eric on 11.22.04 at 04:44 PM


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As long as they want to live in our country, in our culture, they must abide by our rules. If not, then they can get the fisk out. Let them go back where they came from if they don't like it. Love it or leave it, I say. And I don't give a damn if that's Politically Incorrect, intolerant, dogmatic, heretical, selfish, etc.. That's the way I am. I have had it.

Being in favor of death for any religious reason is disqualifying for being an American. Hell, twipping someone's nose for a religious reason is not OK. Is there any real debate about this?

notherbob2   ·  November 23, 2004 02:44 AM

And I was in a _good_ mood when I wrote that!

Heck, giving someone a raspberry for religious reasons, while not illegal is serious bad manners. Americans believe in right to practice any religion. If you don't, you're not American.

PS - *Any religion* provided the goats are sacrificed humanely (Says Portia, realizing she's amid classicists) And for heaven's sake, make sure the critter is dead before you read the entrails. Other than that, provided the critter was yours to begin with, you'll get no argument from me.

Portia   ·  November 24, 2004 04:54 PM

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