Demonstrators should be careful what they wish for....

Glenn Reynolds has posted some incredibly offensive pictures, while opining in his usual understated manner that the people in them aren't "laying a good foundation for a Democratic comeback."

I'll say!

Glenn also suggests that "the Democrats are going to have to distance themselves from stuff like this, if they want to carry swing states."

I don't know about Democratic comebacks, or swinging states, but some of the pictures are giving me mixed messages.

UPDATE: My blogfather Jeff tears the protester (the "sneering jerk" in the picture below) a new one:

The young punk in the photo is telling the no longer silent majority that we don't matter and he could care less about our opinions on anything. As far as he is concerned, there will never be hope of compromise on any issue. That is why the Democrats lost the presidency and several senate and house seats.
(If I didn't have my rule against ad hominem attacks, I'd almost be tempted to say something like "one asshole at a time.....")


posted by Eric on 11.04.04 at 09:43 PM


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Hilarious, both your version and the original batch of barking moonbat displays.

I'm glad I wasn't there then, but they're in the hands of the police now. They're no threat to me any longer if they ever were. They don't write the laws and they're never going to.

I doubt the Democrats are going to nominate any of them in 2008, because if they did they'd get fewer votes than Badnarik. They don't even seem to be Democrats anyway, they probably voted for some Left splinter party. These freaks don't scare me. They're good for laughs, that's all.

The Republicans now have the White House, both Houses of Congress, and the Supreme Court, and any future nominees to any of the courts. They are in full control now. The Right rules.

Here is something I wrote in Dean's World:

I'm done with the Left. I've been saying for some time that the Left (secularism, egalitarianism, progressivism, relativism) is fundamentally impotent, entropic, a spent force. The Left has been on the decline since the end of the 1940s. It could weaken, but it could never rule. This election showed me how right I was, more so than I had realized. The Left is finished, certainly in America. At this point, attacking the Left, fisking barking moonbats, is like wrestling with a snail. I'm through with that. It's over.

The Left can make all the movies they want, it's the Right that makes the laws now. Therefore, from now on, I will aim all my big guns at my enemies on the Right.


Having just seen the original on another site, I had a similar first thought. Sitting here, sipping my morning coffee, my first thought was "I've had better offers." And the second one was "Well, if I were single, perhaps if he washed really well and promised to keep his mouth shut."

Glad I'm not the only sick one.

I'm getting rather tired of the Gotterdamerung (sp?) coming from the left. Like Eric I have my doubts that this election was won on a wave of anti-gay sentiment, the amendments notwithstanding. And I'm getting tired of my liberal gay friends telling me that they're going to be hunted down in the streets or put in camps or whatever. I feel like buying a tshirt that says "It was the war, stupid."

Portia   ·  November 5, 2004 10:33 AM

I believe that the vote for President Bush was based on the War. That's why I voted for him, and I'm still confident that most of those who voted for him did so because of the War, including the homosexuals who voted for him, even (despite everything) in as great a number as they did in 2000.

As for "sodomy" laws and concentration camps, Paul Cameron, Lou Sheldon, Robert Knight, et al, are certainly working toward that goal. So, the thing for all homosexual men and women to do is to join or support the Pink Pistols and buy guns with which to defend themselves against the tyranny when or if it comes. (If it comes, it will come through the complacency of those who say "it can't happen here.". Complacency, a 9/10/2001 mentality, will always destroy us.)

For now, since they can't legally round up homosexuals and other "deviants" and put them in "re-education camps, not until they get enough Scalias and Borks on the Supreme Court or a Constitutional Amendment, their tactic will be to use the existing laws and state amendments to deny homosexuals all the rights they can legally get away with denying them, e.g., contesting and invalidating wills.

Both in the military War against the Enemy without and in the spiritual War against the Enemy within, the struggle will be long and hard, but we must keep on fighting until we win, for the alternative is too horrible to contemplate.

Of course, my friends would rather die than learn to shoot. They want the government to protect them. THIS is the flaw. Government is FORCE. Not so good at protecting. Really good at intruding and forcing.

And I don't think camps and or re-education are likely. The people going on about the gay threat are just a very vocal minority -- and IMHO as soft in the head as Kerry when he claimed Terrorism was a nuisance.

Yes, they will be loud, but it's the death throes of their viewpoint. Most people in my generation (40 and under) can't understand what all the fuss is about. We grew up with "out" friends and we don't see the big deal. And then, the society we live in... cast the first stone. If they're going after sexual immorality, do divorced people count? And how are they going to confine 99% of the population?

Even most bible-thumping Christians my age that I know (meaning real people, not talking heads) don't seem to get beyond "well, it's a sin of course, but none of my business."

(Frankly, I never understood the concept of its being a sin. Sins are supposed to be a temptation to all and something all would enjoy and therefore must avoid by use of divine grace. To me the idea of sleeping with a woman is just a puzzlement and no temptation [if there isn't at least one penis involved, it just isn't sex and what's with the boob thing? I never got that either] so, why should it be a general proscription? If only a certain number of people want to do it, there must be a reason (not speculating on what type of reason) and if it's no temptation for most of us, how can we brand it a "sin" and ascribe ourselves virtuous for avoiding it? It's like saying this morning I avoided eating live frogs and I am therefore in a state of grace. No temptation, no joy, no virtue in avoiding it, so why should it be a sin? I've always considered Marcus Aurelius' odd brag that he slept neither with his female nor his male slave to mean he wanted them both. But perhaps I'm just strange.)

This "culture war" is not something to be fought in the trenches (except for slapping down the more obvious nonsense.) It is a war that will be won by time more than by people. Another twenty years and a majority will be thinking that refusing gay marriage is odd. And then all the silly little restrictions will be dropped and looked at with the same type of wonder we reserve for the prohibition. At least -- though anedoctal -- this is the sense I get from my acquaintance, right and left. Problem is there are any number of gay friends who feel they have to vote left because "the democrats are for us." I should add that other than lip service I see no support for this view point.

Portia   ·  November 5, 2004 05:50 PM


Very good. Your temptations are the opposite of mine. The 4 sexual orientations You're an androsexual woman. I'm a gynosexual man. Therefore, you can relate to an androsexual man, a man's man, like Eric Scheie or Jeff Soyer. I can relate to a gynosexual woman like Camille Paglia or the Vice President's daughter.

Temptations. Yes, holy Dawn must eternally struggle against the temptation to adultery with wicked Wanda and her women. Holy Dawn must eternally struggle to be faithful to her holy wife Norma.

I'm not so optimistic. The very things you cite are what worry me. As long as homosexuals identify with or are identified with the Left, the side of entropy, they will lose. As long as homosexuals are identified with secularism, relativism, nihilism, they will lose. And as long as their, our, enemies are identified with religion, with absolutes, with moral values, they will win.

That very attitude you cite among the young, "what's the big deal?", "who cares?", "yeah, whatever", is part of the whole problem. When the enemies of holy passion have all the passion and the defenders of holy passion have none, it is the Enemy who will win. "...The best lack all conviction and the worst are full of passionate intensity..." That is what will destroy us. That is what I'm against.

Homosexuals must arm themselves not only physically but ideologically, morally, spiritually. They, and we, the defenders of sexuality and of the self, must arm ourselves with the passionate intensity that goes with the moral conviction that ours is the side of right, of the good, the high, the noble, the Godly, of every value that has ever been acheived or ever will be acheived.

The parallels are all too ominous. Everything that is being said about homosexuals, by their friends and by their foes, in America today was being said about Jews in Europe, by their friends and by their foes, throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries. It _can_ happen here. And, if it does, if we, by our apathy, our complacency, allow it to, then I see no hope.

The rest of (yes, rest of) Europe is now passing from decrepitude into death. The murder of Pim Fortuyn, the murder of Theo van Gogh, are the canaries in the mine. The tide is rising. America stands alone now. As Abraham Lincoln put it so eloquently: "We will either nobly save or meanly lose the last, best hope of earth." As Ronald Reagan put it: "We either defend freedom here or it is gone....There is no place to run to, no place to flee to, only to make a stand."

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