Let them drink Cobra venom!

Teresa Heinz Kerry has offered the country a home-remedy for arthritis: gin-soaked raisins.

Which made me realize that I needed to get serious, because yesterday was online testing day, and instead of supplying my readers with online tests, I frittered away my time researching irrelevancies like the possibility that John Kerry's discharge might have been other than honorable. Imagine people caring about that! Gin and raisins are of more interest.

Anyway, I've got Mama T beat, because yesterday I struck paydirt when I stumbled onto a huge cache of online tests at Persnickety's fine blog, Ordinary Galoot.

The first test -- "What kind of person are you? -- yielded the same result as Persnickety. I am a "Mystical":

You're a Mystical. You don't fit in in any way and
most people just find you weird, but you are in
a group. You are respected by everyone, even
though you're just really different.

What kind of group person are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

I agree with Persnickety that "weird" is a better way to describe it.


But it's not enough to know what kind of person I am. To really know me, you have to understand my "inner animal." I'm an owl:


What is Your Inner Animal?
brought to you by Quizilla

I can't argue with that. I am the only person I know who gets owls to talk. I do a decent Screech Owl call (descending, ascending, or steady), and if there are any around, they'll answer back! Last night I chatted with two of them, and I made my best courtship and breeding calls. Let me tell you, they were very interested!


Then there's my spirit animal. Mine is the wolf:

A Wolf!
"For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and
the strength of the Wolf is the Pack."
Rudyard Kipling

What Is Your Spirit Animal?
brought to you by Quizilla

Again, not suprising. I have tested out to be a wolf twice before, and like the wolf I can work in packs or alone.


Lasssst but not leassst, I found my inner dangerous animal.

I'm a cobra:

Poison, Poison, Poison, is that all you care about?
Well i would too if it got me dinner and kept
me from being eaten!

What Dangerous Animal are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Not only can I identify with the cobra, I've caught and handled a few. Jeff Corwin I am not, but one of the more challenging experiences in my life was when I captured a large African Spitting Cobra, because it isn't enough to grapple with the snake; you have to shield your eyes at the same time because that's where they try to spit their venom. (It's awkward, to say the least. But I've heard the venom is a better cure for arthritis than raisins 'n gin -- especially for those who don't have COBRA coverage!)

posted by Eric on 10.16.04 at 07:53 AM


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Soooo freaked now. Other than third, where I ended up being a horse (!) ALL other ones were the same as yours. Is it rigged? And I am NOT mystical. Crystals shatter when I enter the room and if I see one more dolphin statuette I'm going to be sick. Mystical. Ah!

Portia   ·  October 16, 2004 01:36 PM

Dreamer. Leopard. Dolphin. Snake.

In the middle of the afternoon I realized I've never seen myself together with Eric. What if -- despite the horse vs. wolf thing we are actually the same person?

Existential doubt is killing me.

Portia   ·  October 16, 2004 09:07 PM

Don't let the existential doubt kill you, Portia, lest we perish as one!


Eric Scheie   ·  October 16, 2004 11:09 PM



Portia   ·  October 17, 2004 05:14 PM

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