The search for victims.....

Can anyone identify the victims in these two stories?

First, reporters from the New York Times have been implicated in a plan to tip off a terrorist "charity" about an impending raid:

September 29, 2004 -- The Justice Department has charged that a veteran New York Times foreign correspondent warned an alleged terror-funding Islamic charity that the FBI was about to raid its office — potentially endangering the lives of federal agents.

The stunning accusation was disclosed yesterday in legal papers related to a lawsuit the Times filed in Manhattan federal court.

The suit seeks to block subpoenas from the Justice Department for phone records of two of its Middle Eastern reporters — Philip Shenon and Judith Miller — as part of a probe to track down the leak.

The Times last night flatly denied the allegation.

I'm glad they deny it. I'd hate to think that there might be a double standard by a news outfit that expresses outrage about other tipoffs.

Then there's this emerging report from Reuters about an attempt to crash a Norwegian plane:

OSLO (Reuters) - A man attacked two pilots and a passenger with an axe on a domestic Norwegian flight on Wednesday, police said.

The pilots, who witnesses said were covered in blood, managed to land the 18-seat Kato Air flight with seven passengers on board on its way from Narvik to Bodoe in northern Norway.

The attacker, in his 30s, was immediately arrested at Bodoe airport.

"The flight was about to land when both pilots were attacked with an axe," police official Margrete Torseter at Salten police district in northern Norway told Reuters.

The three were taken to a hospital. "They are injured but it is not life threatening," Torseter said.

The hospital said in a statement the patients had minor injuries, mostly to the head.

Torseter said the axe had probably not been carried on board the Kato Air flight 605, but was possibly installed for use in case of fire.

The attacker said he was Algerian, police said.

I am surprised that Reuters would dare to report that the axe wielder was Algerian. This not only verges on racism, but it might actually incline bigoted people to imagine that the man was a "terrorist." (A word Reuters will not allow to be used.....)

More on the man here:

The motive for the attack was not clear but police said it could be tied to the man's asylum status.

The attacker, who was born in 1970 and had been living at a northern Norwegian centre for asylum seekers, was arrested at Bodoe airport. Police said authorities had rejected his application for asylum.

I guess that means that applications for asylum should be granted, lest the applicants take it the wrong way, and try to bring down planes by attacking pilots with axes. Who was he seeking asylum from? The Algerian government? I thought they were cracking down on terrorism...... (More here.)

Why aren't we given more details?

posted by Eric on 09.29.04 at 10:53 AM


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