"I know that this story is true."

Considering the trouble Dan Rather is in these days, I knew that sooner or later, a concerned citizen would come to his assistance.

While I can't reveal my sources and thus am unable to reveal how it came into my possession, I decided to share with my readers a scan of a truly remarkable document. As you can see, it appears to have been typed on precisely same kind of typewriters which were in common use in 1973!


What will the "free-floating cadre of rightist warriors" say now? Doubtless, they'll claim this one's a forgery too!

Only this time, their task won't be so easy!

UPDATE: Anticipating complaints by the "professional rumour mill" that the jpg file above is less than adequate for purposes of verification, I'm making the full document available in pdf format, right here.

I'd say the ball's in the rumor mill's court! (As opposed to someplace it doesn't belong.....)

UPDATE: Via Glenn Reynolds, here's another authentic memo from 1973. Who needs Microsoft Word?

posted by Eric on 09.14.04 at 10:42 AM


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Thanks for linking to the post with the memo. I should have stamped that memo with "IMAO.US" as it's getting everywhere (there is an ebay sale using it to sell a typewriter).

Frank J.   ·  September 15, 2004 10:01 AM

You're very welcome and thanks for coming, Frank!

(I'm pretty sure you that if you complain to Ebay, they'll take the picture down, as they take a very dim view of infringement. Or, you might email the seller and tell him to use the one with "IMAO.US" -- although it might be not worth your trouble.)

Eric Scheie   ·  September 15, 2004 01:16 PM

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