There'll be no more of that "reporting for duty" stuff!

Via Michael Demmons, here's a report of a double standard in action:

Judicial Watch is a non-partisan group that was formed to expose the corruption of government officials. It's interesting to note that:

  • They sued Vice President Cheney to get the records of his Energy Task Force - something the Left had howeled about for quite some time.

  • They also sued the White House for the release of documents they believe showed that the Bush Administration knew anthrax attacks were coming.

  • They've also sued the Vice President and Halliburton, alleging accounting fraud.

  • And they've sued President Bush to get information about all contacts between the President and Enron.

  • They sued Mayor Giuliani for alleged fundraising irregularities during his senate bid.

  • Judicial Watch sued Tom DeLay and the National Republican Congressional Committee for alledgedly selling meetings with the president.
Yep. Judicial Watch seems to like suing Republicans as much as they do Democrats. (and there are many many more instances where judicial watch has sued conservatives.) They seem, to me, to be pretty equal opportunity.

Now that they're into the John Kerry mix though, I suspect you'll now find them labelled as conservative hacks. It should be fun to watch.

Michael is right. Judicial Watch is fine as long as they go after Republicans (they've been a thorn in President Bush's side for years), but if they dare turn their attention to Kerry's medals, they immediately become part of the evil Bush Republican attack machine.

Here's Judicial Watch's Request for Investigation, Determination and Final Disposition of Awards Granted to Lieutenant (junior grade) John Forbes Kerry, USNR:

Judicial Watch also submits this formal complaint and request for investigation to the Inspectors General of the Defense Department and the U.S. Navy, who each have the inherent duty and obligation to conduct concurrent and independent investigations of the serious fraud, waste and abuse matters alleged herein. Evidence and testimony is now publicly available that Senator Kerry engaged in conduct violating law, rule, and/or regulation and abused his authority. While a U.S. Navy regulatory remedy may exist (via an administrative departmental board) for the correction of award records, the matters presented in this complaint are sufficiently serious to merit the full and immediate attention and action of the Inspectors General, as well as the Chief of Naval Operations. Subsequent action by the Secretary of the Navy may also be required.
It is, of course, of no relevance what the allegations are or whether or not they're true. What matters is who makes them.

Meanwhile, Kerry has been told -- by no less a figure than the ailing Bill Clinton -- to stop talking about Vietnam!


That means you too!

posted by Eric on 09.06.04 at 12:07 PM


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