Stemming The Tide

A triplet of interesting posts at "Fight Aging!" (Definitely not an ambiguous monicker). First, some poll results. I am always rather suspicious of any poll that presumes to settle an issue. So much depends on how you phrase the question.

"There is a type of medical research that involves using special cells, called stem cells, that are obtained from human embryos. These human embryo stem cells are then used to generate new cells and tissue that could help treat or cure many diseases. I am now going to read you two statements about this type of research. "Statement A: Those OPPOSED to this type of research say that it crosses an ethical line by using cells from potentially viable human embryos, when this research can be done on animals or by using other types of cells..
"Statement B: Those IN FAVOR of this research say that it could lead to breakthrough cures for many diseases, such as cancer, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and spinal cord injuries, and this research uses only embryos that otherwise would be discarded.
"Who do you agree with more: those opposed or those in favor?".
Agree more with those opposed 22%
Agree more with those in favor 71%
Depends (vol.) 2%
Not sure 5%.

Well, at least a good polling duel can keep the issue perking. I'm encouraged.

Next, a pleasantly straightforward presentation on the issue, and why it should matter to you.

1) The aim of stem cell research is to produce a biological repair kit, tools that will allow age- and illness-damaged tissue to be repaired or replaced. These tools, coupled with effective cancer therapies, will greatly extend our healthy life spans and bring cures for all the most common degenerative diseases..
2) It is probably the case that scientists would eventually make as much progress using only adult stem cells - several extra intervening steps would be required, but it is conceptually possible. It is widely agreed that progress towards a full biological repair kit would be much faster due to embryonic stem cell research..
3) Time matters a great deal - more than 100,000 lives are lost worldwide each and every day precisely because we don't have a biological repair kit complete with therapies for the most common age-related conditions. There simply is no sane counterargument to this point. Speed is of the essence.

It should be self evident. Why isn't it? And now, my final pick (Three in a row! You could have just scrolled down!) Excerpt follows.

The number of Americans who approve of embryonic stem cell research has increased from three years ago, while the number who disapprove has fallen by almost half, according to a recent Harris poll released Wednesday.

Now is no time to go wobbly.

posted by Justin on 08.19.04 at 07:02 PM


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