I gotcha protest, hangin'!

Eric pointed me toward a link posted at Instapundit yesterday, and I thought it was pretty great. It reminded of something I did in high school that never went as far, and was never as serious, but still it makes me smile.

The vegans had posters throughout the halls advertising for the Great American Meat Out, a day on which they hoped people would join them in not eating meat (or in their words, to "kick the meat habit (at least for a day) and explore a wholesome, nonviolent diet of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains." No one's told them about the vegetable scream.).

I was in the graphic design club and had access to the computers and printers, so I designed a few signs with slogans like, "MEAT: It Does a Body Good," and "MEAT: Animals Eat it Too." I recruited a small group of students (which I dubbed "the Omnivore Society"), and away we went.

The vegan ring leader would race through the halls tearing down our posters and we'd just sit back, smile, and watch with piles of replacements. She'd scream in frustration, "where are they coming from?"

She eventually gave up.

A few years after high school I ran into an old acquaintance and somehow the Omnivore Society came up. He said, "That was you?!" Apparently it had some kind of impact.

And if just one vegan ate a chicken McNugget, it was all worth it.

posted by Dennis on 06.23.04 at 10:44 AM


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Love it! The youth these days are starting to renew my faith.

By the way, the great blogger Michael Edward McNeil pointed me to a new blog: MARTIALIS -- The Epigrams of Martial


Maybe you can check it out and report back.

Eric Scheie   ·  June 23, 2004 10:56 AM

Did you know that Jesus had sex with Mary Magdelen? Did you know that Mary, the mother of God, had sex? Did you know that? Did you? Did?

Tobias   ·  June 23, 2004 01:37 PM

BWAHAHAHAH! I love it. Pesky vegans.

Jim Lynch   ·  June 24, 2004 12:51 AM

Excellent. I myself enjoy eating the flesh of slain animals. And, yes, animals enjoy it, too. If vegetarians don't want to eat meat, that's their right, just as it is my right to eat or not eat whatever I want, short of cannibalism.

We must worship the Clitoris of the Most Holy Virgin Mother of God, She Who was never touched by the hand of _man_, but only by the Holy Spirit (a Goddess). Whoever denies this dogma of the Lesbian Birth of the Christ is excommunicated from the One and Only Christian Apostolic Tribadentine Catholic Church of this Cathedral of The Queen of Heaven. This spake holy Dawn and her holy Negro wife Norma, the High Priestesses (and Goddesses).

I wrote "short of cannibalism". However, all good Catholics eat of the Body and Blood of the Christ.

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