Caliph ate here!

I'm in the mood for satire. And, as a commenter earlier stressed the importance of the Big Mac as an evil American symbol, the more I thought about it, the more I thought, well, why not?

How about a new American Victory Arch?


It's an old idea, updated for the times....

And speaking of old ideas updated for the times, here's another image (at the risk of being morbid -- again). Enemies who enjoy presenting Americans with severed heads of American civilians (and their supporters who think it's justified or that "we" did it) would do well to remember history.


Yeah, I know. The above is Roman history (Trajan being presented with Dacian heads). Classical Values always looks for answers from ancients, whether on war or on human sexuality.

But here's some American history:

Professor Donald Miller: And what’s happening, too, is, a book’s written there, you know, by an American reporter, you know, Guadalcanal Diary.

Lawrence R. Velvel: Mmm, mmm.

Professor Donald Miller: And he’s there observing this, and we get this first sense that we’re fighting an enemy that won’t give up.

Lawrence R. Velvel: Mm hmm, mm hmm.

Professor Donald Miller: An enemy that has suicidal tendencies that would attack with banzai charges and things like this.

Lawrence R. Velvel: Mm hmm. Mm hmm.

Professor Donald Miller: There’s no kamikaze warfare in the area. But, and also, there are, words start to filter out, there are atrocities being committed. And the Marines fall into this. And the jungle, the climate, the heat, the rain, everything, and, and, and just the wearing down of the warfare start to get to people, the mental wearing down where you’re in like a mental torpor.

Lawrence R. Velvel: Mm hmm.

Professor Donald Miller: And almost, conscience disappears and, and there’s a, there’s a devolution of morality there, if you will, and that the soldiers admitted to, where they see Japanese atrocities, the beheading, for example, of American prisoners.

Lawrence R. Velvel: Yeah.

Professor Donald Miller: And they’re putting Japanese heads on the poles and displaying them to the Japanese.

Lawrence R. Velvel: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.....

Heads you lose!

posted by Eric on 06.20.04 at 07:49 PM


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I _still_ say: Let's roll!

Mmmm.... Hamburgers. Hangaburgers, as my Mama used to say. Burgers. Earl Warren. Warren Earl Burger. Hmmm.... The Warren Court. The Burger Court. The Rrrrrhenquist Court. Most interesting!

As I think about it, I think the Rhenquist Court did more for individual rights than the Burger Court and about as much as did the Warren Court. Hmmm....

I haven't been to a MacDonald's in a long time, but there's burger place inside the Crossroads sgopping mall here in Bellevue. Beautiful place. Lots of little restaurants inside that mall, all kinds of cuisines, Vietnamese, Thai, Indian, Japanese, Russian, pizzas, pastas.

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