Paul Johnson beheaded

I just found official confirmation that American civilian Paul Johnson has been beheaded in Saudi Arabia. If you scroll below to my earlier post, you can read more about this sickening story, with links.

Unfortunately, there are people who do not believe that the enemy is evil, or even that there is such a thing as evil.

I wonder whether this will have any effect on them.

UPDATE: More details here, and here.

UPDATE: Originally posted at 1:48 p.m., but a glitch caused the above to be double posted. I tried to delete one, but both posts still appeared. This will be reposted again if they disappear again.

More here, along with this statement posted along with the still photographs of Mr. Johnson's beheaded body:

“In answer to what we promised … to kill the hostage Paul Marshall after the period is over. … The infidel got his fair treatment. … Let him taste something from what Muslims tasted who were long reached by Apache helicopter fire and missiles,” the statement said.

UPDATE: The pictures may be viewed at the Drudge Report. (Via Wizbang.)

In case the above link fails (or the photos are taken down), I have posted them here.

CORRECTION: The link to Wizbang above was wrong; it should be here.

MORE: I just left the following comment at Wizbang, because I feel strongly that these pictures should be available to all Americans, for the same reasons I gave when I posted the Daniel Pearl and Nick Berg videos:

I think it is important to make these pictures available to Americans, for the reasons I gave when I made the Daniel Pearl and Nick Berg videos available. There are people who do not think Americans should see them, and that's enough reason to make sure they can be seen. I doubt they'll be shown on the evening news, as there is a persistent resistance to reporting anything which shows our enemies to be evil.

Had Matt Drudge not posted them, I doubt I would have found them. Probably because of web traffic, Drudge is not loading properly, right now. He may take them down, and I think they should be available to every American who wants to see them. (Especially to those who are unfamiliar with or unwilling to confront the reality of evil.)

Furthermore, I think all Americans should download and watch the video of what went on daily and routinely at the Abu Ghraib prison under Saddam Hussein.

Perhaps people can learn to stop expecting the enemy to be reasonable, and to stop judging demons by American standards.

Or, to echo Steven Malcolm Anderson in the comment below, "Let's roll!"

UPDATE: Michele Catalano does not think that the pictures of Mr. Johnson should be posted -- anywhere -- and gives this opinion as to why:

You are whores.

There is no reason to post these pictures or host them. Wasn't Nick Berg enough? I almost understood then, that people needed to see the capability of evil. Great, we saw it then. It's no different now. I cannot fathom any reason for hosting these pictures except for the rise in stats. It is ghoulish. What difference will a picture of another dead American do? What purpose does it serve? None that I can see.

From Drudge on down, you all are all snuff vendors. Enough already.

Much as I respect Michele, I think that Americans need to see these pictures just as much as the Daniel Pearl and Nick Berg videos. If the pictures were on tonight's evening news or in tomorrow's Philadelphia Inquirer, then there'd be no need for anyone to post them on the Internet. I saw no rise in traffic when I posted the Daniel Pearl video, and although my traffic spiked after the Nick Berg video, I would have done the same thing regardless.

In fact, I felt this way more than two years ago, when I hadn't really begun blogging, had no traffic and no one cared at all.

Does the question of whether this is "whoring" depend on whether one sees an increase in traffic because of it? Should the fear of such an accusation be a reason not to post about something you feel strongly about? Is there a rule that if you're a smaller blogger who wants more traffic, that you shouldn't be allowed to post gruesome images? What's the logic of that? If I waited until I had lots of comfortable traffic, why should that make any difference?

All who feel I am a whore can either accept me as I am, or go elsewhere, because I am going to continue to not only to post about things I believe in, but provide links, videos or photographs as I deem it appropriate.

ADDITIONAL THOUGHT: I seriously doubt that the posting of the pictures of Paul Johnson's beheading would generate any more web traffic than the discussion of the beheading, because Google hits occur because of searches by words. (For example, Paul Johnson beheading.) Thus, the mere discussion of the beheading would yield the same number of hits regardless of whether photographs were posted.

Something those who discuss this matter at all might want to think about....

Further, if it is wrong to post the images, then how is anyone to see them? For that matter, who should be allowed to see them? The authorities only? Dan Rather?

I am reminded of the images of people jumping off the Twin Towers, which were said to be "old news" on the anniversaries of September 11, and thus "inappropriate." I don't think it was inappropriate to post photos of the jumpers, either when they were new, or on anniveraries, and I don't believe that only certain people should have been allowed to see them. It's war, it's gruesome, and considering the levels of denial among so many Americans, the argument can be made that it's inappropriate to sanitize it.

MORE: Abdulaziz al-Moqrin, the leader of al Qaida in Saudi Arabia was reported killed. At least there's partial justice.

And Andy McCarthy poses a good question for the big media:

Every time you parade the Abu Ghraib photos, every time you parrot the patently ridiculous pretension by these repulsive murderers that decapitations are motivated by what those photos depict -- rather than by a belief system that exudes hatred and murder -- you are guaranteeing that there will be more Daniel Pearls, Nick Bergs and, now, Paul Johnsons. You are telling these monsters that they get a free ride: They get to kill, which they would do anyway, and they get to have you tell the world that the proximate cause of the killing is the U.S. government rather than militant Islam. Scorecard: al Qaeda - win, win; America: lose, lose; Americans: die, die.

There are two possible story lines here: choice (a) Paul Johnson was viciously beheaded today, becoming just the latest of thousands of victims slaughtered by a menace that cannot be managed, need not be culturally understood, and must be totally eradicated; or choice (b) Paul Johnson died today; an Arabic website, upon first breaking the news, explained that his death was retaliation for the scandalous abuse of Iraqi prisoners by occupying U.S. forces in Baghdad, where the Bush administration is alleged to have employed harsh interrogation tactics -- in violation of the Geneva Conventions -- in order to press for intelligence about weapons of mass destruction which have yet to be found.

Anybody have the slightest doubt which choice we'll be reading and seeing? (Link from Ed Driscoll, via Glenn Reynolds.)

Not the slightest doubt here. Only the United States can be portrayed as evil. Pictures like those of Paul Johnson shouldn't be shown to the "little people" -- lest they get all upset and get the wrong idea.

MORE: Michele has apologized for using the word "whore" but stands behind what she said. For newbies here, Michele is one of the best writers (and highest ranked bloggers) in the blogosphere. Someone of her caliber could easily get away with never apologizing for anything -- so this speaks highly of her character.

She made a good point in her criticisms, though. Still, I have to respectfully disagree, because I think that every one of these incidents should be engraved into our national psyche. Americans have too short of a memory span.

That said, I completely agree with Michele and Stephen Green on a related matter:

Looking for the Paul Johnson video? You'll find this one more informative. It shows how our enemies treat each other. Doesn't take much imagination to figure out what they'd do to us, given the chance.
I downloaded the above and it's truly horrendous.

In a similar vein, today's Philadelphia Inquirer has a report on grisly Muslim-on-Muslim racist atrocities -- in the Sudan:

KAILEK, Sudan - The white-robed men on horseback shot two of Hamid Rahman's boys on that scorching afternoon. They were 3 and 6 but weren't the youngest or the weakest to die. The Arab marauders targeted the blind, the disabled, women carrying children - anyone who couldn't run fast enough.

"They killed even babies," said Rahman, 40, a thin, bearded survivor with sad, glassy eyes that reflected his loss.

Here, in the furnace of Sudan, an ethnic and political war is burning through the sandy, barren province of Darfur, killing mostly the helpless. It ignores cease-fires and international condemnation while tossing its survivors into a humanitarian abyss.

The roots of the conflict lie in a long-standing rivalry between nomadic Arab herdsmen and black African farmers amid a government policy of "Arabization" in a province where many inhabitants are black. At least 10,000 people have died and perhaps one million have been chased from their straw huts to temporary refuge as far away as neighboring Chad. Andrew Natsios, the head of the U.S. Agency for International Development, has warned that as many as a million people may die if aid does not reach them soon.

Government officials attribute the violence to a rebel movement that took up arms 15 months ago, seeking economic development for Darfur and a share of political power. They deny reports of atrocities.

"There is no ethnic cleansing. There is no genocide," Eltigani Salih Fediel, Sudan's deputy foreign minister, said during an interview in the capital, Khartoum.

But U.N. officials and human-rights groups are using terms such as ethnic cleansing, genocide and war crimes to describe what is unfolding.

A U.N. report on conditions in the village of Kailek accuses local government officials of ordering "a policy of forced starvation" and says the government "deliberately deceived the United Nations" by insisting villagers faced no hardships after an anti-rebel sweep.

Kailek isn't the only place in Darfur to have suffered. But its story, told to a reporter by former residents during a rare government-sanctioned trip last month, is one of a murderous rampage by government-sponsored Arab militias, followed by two months of torture, starvation and systematic rape.

At the heart of the tale is the role of the militias, called janjaweed - "the men on horses." Across Darfur, they have unleashed their fury on black African tribes - the Zaghawa, Fur and Masalit - that the government says are allied with the rebels.

According to survivors, hundreds of janjaweed arrived in the Kailek area in early February, wielding swords and guns. They galloped from village to village, slaughtering hundreds of black Africans, all Muslims like themselves. Truckloads of government soldiers in camouflage fatigues helped them.

What's the U.N. doing about it? Obsessing over the big bad United States!

(Frankly, I was surprised to see the above in my newspaper.)

UPDATE: Glenn Reynolds has much more (with many links on the Sudan/Darfur carnage). All worth reading, with much more detail than the above story.

MORE: Ted Rall reflects on the Johnson beheading:

As we consider these gruesome murders, we should consider them on par with the gruesome murders of 800+ American servicemen and women and close to 100,000 Iraqi and Afghan civilians and soldiers killed during Bush's two wars. Bush's hands are dripping with their blood, just as surely as the men who drew the knives across Berg and Johnson's throats. They're all tragic; unnecessary and pointless. The difference is that their deaths aren't on tape.
Rall is among the many who think Bush is responsible for virtually all terrorism in the world today. (Never mind Somalia, the first attack on the World Trade Center, Khobar Towers, the African embassy bombings, the U.S.S. Cole, etc.....)

UPDATE: The Paul Johnson video has now been made available. More here.

UPDATE: People who are showing up here might also want to read my more recent post about dedicating these beheading videos to a "great American patriot" who has voiced support for the beheaders: addition to a warning about the violence, I ought to have a dedication before every video.

Let's see, how does it go?

"The beheading video you are about to see is dedicated to Michael Moore -- a great American patriot who is spreading the truth."

Just giving credit where credit is due, folks! As long as people are willing to stand in line to support this great American patriot, I think it's the least I can do....

posted by Eric on 06.18.04 at 01:48 PM


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» Too much naiveté on this... from Drink this...
Well, while some continue to bury their heads under the covers and pretend the threat of terrorism isn't real, the terrorists continue to rear their ugly heads (at least they still have heads) and exterminate Americans one by one. As [Read More]
Tracked on June 18, 2004 04:14 PM
» Incorrect Speculation - Paul Johnson Beheading from Hot Abercrombie Chick
After viewing the Robert Jacob Execution Video, I speculated that the people behind these beheading videos/images might be toning down the graphic violence in an attempt to better get their messages across. The production of the Robert Jacob video that... [Read More]
Tracked on June 18, 2004 04:45 PM
» The Beheading of Paul Johnson from Jim Lynch: On the Soapbox
My condolences to Paul Johnson's family and friends. :sad: This is the third beheading of an american. It's tragic and terribly upsetting but not surprising. My advice to everyone out there is to get used to hearing about it because Al Qaeda is go... [Read More]
Tracked on June 19, 2004 11:35 AM


Despicable. How many more of these beheadings, how many more 9/11's, before we finally get serious about this War on Islam's Terror? Saudi Arabia delenda est! Let's roll!

Time to start the draft up. I would put 1 million boots on the ground in Saudi Arabia. I would instruct my troops to shoot anything that moves. It is NOW TIME to KILL THEM!! ALL OF THEM..........

Jeff Bates   ·  June 18, 2004 04:17 PM

It appears that we CAN'T reason with such people. They do not want to communicate with us, infact they do not want to associate with us. They want us, our businesses, our Western idealogy, etc... out of the middle east. This is a fact that I myself have come to understand only recently. They want to be what they have always been - living in the past with thousands and thousands of years of tradition. They have no interest of technology or the modern way of life. For another, they do not care for other religions but their own and even within the different sects of the Muslim religion, they can not agree.

If one can take his/her own life so easily, does it surprise anyone what they are capable of doing? How does one reach/educate such a people when they want to be left alone? Only time will tell. But do we have that time???????

Anonymous   ·  June 18, 2004 05:28 PM

Thank you for posting such a site for us to see. The government is so scared to upset people that they hide the truth. If it wasnt for sites like these with such horror I wouldnt appreciate being American as much. I think you are doing a great job at getting the truth to people like me. I have changed somehow because of what I saw and nobody should hide from what is really going on in other parts of the world.
--Tiffany Beierle

Tiffany   ·  June 19, 2004 11:33 PM

feel sorry about the families of the beheaded guys...
but my question is... what a hell did they in foregn countries? they only try to win money on behalf of the poor people...
despite those countries has a lot of oil.. the people are very poor.
bush, get the people out of there and let them go home to the families.

Brooke   ·  June 20, 2004 03:00 AM

Did the USA ever cry foul when Saudi Arabia exposed its own people to Sharia Law (chopping off peoples extremities, including heads, for crimes as trivial as stealing a loaf of bread)? The USA is very guilty of double standards. The old english adage "What goes around comes around" has finally caught up with america. The harsh reality remains that america has contributed and continues to contribute to the rise of terrorism in the world.

Ricobayashi   ·  June 20, 2004 07:51 AM

Why should they reason with YOU when it isn't your country? Do you expect everyone in the world wants to eat a Big Mac? They have their own traditions and values. Your values appear to have been drowned in OIL (get it?). Until you are willing to level all the playing fields please keep your "values" to yourself.

Ricobayahshi   ·  June 20, 2004 07:57 AM

Yes, read my blog more carefully! I expect EVERYONE to eat Big Macs!


Eric Scheie   ·  June 20, 2004 09:29 AM

All them people involved in the beheadings deserve to die, and to even the score burn them all to a crisp, good enough for them two bit rat bastards.

Terminator   ·  June 20, 2004 11:01 AM

they should all burn in hell. chop off there balls shove em in there mouths then cut there fuckin heads off. Do it slow and painfull

Anonymous   ·  June 20, 2004 11:16 AM


Anonymous   ·  June 20, 2004 11:23 AM

Even the very term "holy war" is an insult to God, because only He is holy. There is nothing holy about a blood stained, headless corpse. As Bush said, they ARE thugs. They are pitiful, savage, mindless, deluded animals. We do need to get out of there, I agree, because we have a bigger concern in our own country with the largest arabic community outside of the middle east in Dearborn Michigan...where they danced in the street after 9-11. Let them have at each other. Let them have their oil. We have enough resources in America to support ourselves. The Alaskan tundra is waiting to be tapped. My heart goes out to Paul Johnson's family.

Anonymous   ·  June 20, 2004 12:13 PM

This is horrible. Another life taken in this 'Jihad'. Isn't it strange that they say we're fighting a holy war with them, and yet we have yet to behead, massacre, even wound one of them 'in the name of our God?' One day, I'll get myself a hold on one of these 'righteous' people, and castrate him with a rusty spoon. Then mail it back to his family. I'll purchase him breast implants, and send him back to his country as a woman. Worse than death.

May God bless Paul Johnson's soul and those of his family. His body may have perished, but his soul lives on forever in the house of God.I truly hope he will help to ease your pain.
Andrew Fischer

Andrew   ·  June 20, 2004 01:21 PM

Oh, and Ricobayahshi, go to f*cking hell. I'll bet you didn't cry over the Saudi convictions either. And speaking of double standards, i bet you cried over people lost from your country, yet you scoff our deaths as 'fair' punishment? And if your country isn't part of this, f*ck you you little sissy, go eat a damn bon-bon and leave your hypocritical thoughts to your own mind. Like your 'values' are any better than anyone elses? Jesus.

Andrew Fischer   ·  June 20, 2004 01:28 PM

Andrew Fischer

Andrew Fischer   ·  June 20, 2004 01:31 PM

Bush is not doin crap for us. All hes doin is sendin our people ova there to die. Wut the heck is he thinkin? Why doenst he go ova there himself and do sumttin. yeah thas wut i thought!!!.......wen is he gonna get serious about this and finish wut he started? Back out if u cant do the right thing!

Anonymous   ·  June 20, 2004 04:31 PM

i think bush is an idiot. I feel bad for the poor guy, Paul. How could America do that to an innocent person?
He meant good.

Mia   ·  June 20, 2004 05:19 PM

i think bush is an idiot. I feel bad for the poor guy, Paul. How could America do that to an innocent person?
He meant good.

Anonymous   ·  June 20, 2004 05:19 PM

Dear Eric:

Thank you!

I admire Michelle Catalano. But I am for showing those pictures. I'm for people seeing those pictures, seeing the nature of the Enemy we are fighting. I'm for showing pictures of the Holocaust. I'm for showing pictures of Communist death camps, too. If the media showed pictures of the victims of Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro, there would be many fewer Communists and many more anti-Communists, as many anti-Communists as there are anti-Nazis today. I'm also for showing pictures of abortion.

"We must either face the things we do, or leave off doing them."
-G. K. Chesterton

I won't show any of those pictures on my own blog, for the reason that I named it Up With Beauty and I intend to keep it that way. Only pictures of beautiful Lesbians, colors, spectrums, etc., will go up there. But, as Truth is also a necessity, I may well _link_ to those pictures of horror, or to your links to them, at such times as I see fit, e.g., next September 11.

You should be glad that you in the U.S. are blessed with an excellent president like Bush.
He ist doing the right thing, he hunts down the terrorists in their lair, BEFORE they can get in the states and kill you at home.
He also helps us germans, even though we are cursed by a traitor-government of semi-commies.

It is far more better, if the terorists are killed in Iraq, Afghanistan and Saudiarabia, than if we had to kill them in Florida, NYC ow Washington D.C.!

Thank you, president Bush, thank you, all you brave GIs and thank you America!

Best regards from germany, Frank.

Frank   ·  June 21, 2004 05:57 AM

Absolutely disgusting! One more reason I am happy to be an American where regardless of our problems here, I believe the majority of our citizens have good hearts, and are quick to give a helping hand to their fellow man. What kind of inhuman, barbaric people could do such a thing as in this video?? More power to our soldiers who are risking their lives to preserve a civilized society. God bless our military and the good old USA!

Katherine   ·  June 21, 2004 10:32 PM

I am amazed this site exists! I am also amazed that Americans can not recognize
the fact that our freedoms are being taken away bit by bit...In reading some of the comments made about the Paul Johnson atrocity I see that many feel we should " Vote Out " Bush...I ask you WHO VOTED HIM IN? We as Americans citizens are no longer free in my opinion...yes, we have more freedoms than other countries but the U.S. government keeps us deep in " FEAR ". We are afraid of the law...we are afraid of the terrorists...we are afraid of our nieghbors...we are afraid of not being " politically correct" {Hello OJ}...we are afraid of the west nile virus, sars, global warming,Sadam Hussain ...ect.ect.ect. the more fear that can be generated the more control Uncle Sam has over us.
Wake Up People!!!
Some here call the webmaster a " whore "
for posting the truth...why? Because they are afraid! Afraid to face the facts...the majority of Americans have thier heads up thier asses and do as they are told never going against the flow for " fear " they will be punished,ridiculed or singled out!I applaude the webmaster for having the guts and the gumption to post the pictures and videos that would probably never be seen otherwise. I find these pix & videos obscene...I also find the last presidental election obscene. However horrifying these images...they are truth! No matter who did the killing or why or where it has's evidence of Mans Inhumanity to Man....and I'm afraid the buck stops right here in the USA!
For all the " GUNG HO " folks who don't mind sacrificing thier children by slapping a gun in a pimple faced 18 year olds hands to go to some God forsaken country for reasons that are still today
lies and deceits that would make Hitler blush.
I am sorry for you. You are just as much of a killer as any deathrow inmate. God Help us...

Denise   ·  June 22, 2004 08:21 PM

I am amazed this site exists! I am also amazed that Americans can not recognize
the fact that our freedoms are being taken away bit by bit...In reading some of the comments made about the Paul Johnson atrocity I see that many feel we should " Vote Out " Bush...I ask you WHO VOTED HIM IN? We as Americans citizens are no longer free in my opinion...yes, we have more freedoms than other countries but the U.S. government keeps us deep in " FEAR ". We are afraid of the law...we are afraid of the terrorists...we are afraid of our nieghbors...we are afraid of not being " politically correct" {Hello OJ}...we are afraid of the west nile virus, sars, global warming,Sadam Hussain ...ect.ect.ect. the more fear that can be generated the more control Uncle Sam has over us.
Wake Up People!!!
Some here call the webmaster a " whore "
for posting the truth...why? Because they are afraid! Afraid to face the facts...the majority of Americans have thier heads up thier asses and do as they are told never going against the flow for " fear " they will be punished,ridiculed or singled out!I applaude the webmaster for having the guts and the gumption to post the pictures and videos that would probably never be seen otherwise. I find these pix & videos obscene...I also find the last presidental election obscene. However horrifying these images...they are truth! No matter who did the killing or why or where it has's evidence of Mans Inhumanity to Man....and I'm afraid the buck stops right here in the USA!
For all the " GUNG HO " folks who don't mind sacrificing thier children by slapping a gun in a pimple faced 18 year olds hands to go to some God forsaken country for reasons that are still today
lies and deceits that would make Hitler blush.
I am sorry for you. You are just as much of a killer as any deathrow inmate. God Help us...

Denise   ·  June 22, 2004 08:22 PM

Hi Denise,
There is no need to be afraid as long as the free world and all free men stand together in this war against terror.
We will prevail...we will win!

Frank   ·  June 23, 2004 05:08 PM

Our world is ill, when and how could we end all these killings and live in peace?

Anonymous   ·  June 23, 2004 09:33 PM

I do agree the Bush administration is taking away a ton or our rights. Each time people in the government refuse to do their job properly and put the time necessary to reasearch, they fail to perform. No matter how much information you give the intelligence organizations, they will always ask for more. Each time they do, it removes more of our rights. It does not matter, the people refuse to speak with each other or the fact that petty rivialies in the department actually prevent all the information from being collected despite hard working people who care that are trying to do their job and seek out what is really happening. It is bizzare, the 911 investigation refused to discuss the information John O'Neil found and his supervisors did everything they could to take information away from him and discredit his work while they did nothing. They do not speak about a woman who spent her own money to travel to Afghanistan to prove what was happening and her boss took away her security clearance and thereby taking away her livelyhood. That dope was eventually forced to retire and then took the number 2 job behind Tom Ridge for Homeland Security. There is absolutely no change. The govt deliberately does not want the right hand to know what the left hand is doing so they and only they can manipulate the information.

The money being spend on homeland security is only being used to for another department for which is being done by other agencies.

T-Tick is a duplicate fuction of the CIA. Although the administration claims all agencies run it, it is actually located at CIA headquarters.

That is suppose to be the heart of homeland security.

You've been bamboosled. Govt gone arey again. Big govt never left us. Same dog with the same flees.

Tim   ·  June 24, 2004 02:47 AM

I saw a comment that everyone involved in the beheadings should die. well, take a bus to Langley, VA, or maybe Tel Aviv, because the Nick Berg beheading was done by US/Israeli operatives, and so was Danny Pearl's. Check the video - know any FAT, PASTY-WHITE Iraqis? Any fundamentalist Muslims you know wearing gold rings?

As for Paul Johnson, has anyone bothered to ask why no investigation has been made on the website that hosted the pictures? after all, their URL was based in TEXAS! and that's where Paul Johnson is from. I, sir, am not blind to evil, whether done by the US, Israel, or (a distant third) Iraq.

Bush and Bin Laden are old buddies! Bush is a sadistic sociopath who may drag us into WWIII! The Constitution is already obsolete, thanks to John AshKKKroft's Patriot Act (introduced 45 days after 9/11 - do you really think they came up with it that quickly? the US Government? no, they were waiting for "something bad" to happen)! Look up "Operation Northwoods" if you don't believe me! It's declassified!

Wake up, my countrymen! Wake up before it's too late! We are in the midst of the 4th Reich! And Kerry won't change a thing. Although it would be nice to have anyone other than the dry drunk slacker we currently have in office...

Jack   ·  June 24, 2004 11:18 AM

Some of you sounds like german commies :-(
The same lies (The CIA/Mossad is to blame) can be heard here from our US-haters, commies and supporters of our semi-commie "government".

No folks, we (that means ALL free men) are the target of islamofascist killers like bin Laden, Arafat and co.
President Bush fights for us and our freedom, our human rights and our life.

So stop that defaitistic lies and realize your real enemy.

Let's roll!

Frank   ·  June 24, 2004 05:04 PM

The only way to happiness is peace. The only way to peace is reason, patience and respect. And when all of this ceases to exist, such acts of cruelty occur.

People have to unite for a common cause and sacrifices are imminent.
Unfortunately, some are ruled by greed and some by revenge.

Unknown   ·  June 27, 2004 05:03 PM

I must admitt what is posted on here just makes me sick inside. But as Americans and first and formost HUMAN BEINGS with hearts and souls,we must know of the tourture these people do to fully understand why we must stand up for not only ourselves but other innocent victims.I believe we should have what happened on 9/11 played once a day on national television to remind us of what terror these groups spread. As Americans I feel we tend to forget to easily. And this time we can not.My heart goes out to the families that have lost any member or friend from 9/11 till the end of this whole fight. For no matter if we knew someone or not we are all joint and related as Americans.And we must always remember that, and stand up to any evil in this world.

Denise   ·  June 28, 2004 01:06 PM

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