My camera almost had an incident....

Earlier this afternoon I was stuck in a HUGE traffic jam on I-95 South in Maryland, bumper to bumper, moving at the rate of barely a tenth of a mile per minute. Fortunately I had my camera, and here's the thrilling scene:


It's maddening not to know what's going on, but finally I got closer to the action, which looked like this:


I had noticed that there were far more cops whizzing by than is usual, and when I got to the scene, there were at least ten police cars, maybe more. A large group of officers were standing around talking animatedly; they definitely appeared excited about something. Odd, because I couldn't see any pile-up or anything like that.

At last I saw the wreck, and understood what the excitement was about:


(And I'll have my readers know that I was glared at for taking that last picture!)

posted by Eric on 06.16.04 at 08:45 PM


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» Bonfire of the Vanities: Week 51 from Apropos of Something
Welcome to the Bonfire of the Vanities, your Reader’s Digest of the very worst the blogosphere has to offer each week. To continue my recent series of superhero-themed posts, this week’s edition is brought to you by Johnny Storm, the Huma... [Read More]
Tracked on June 22, 2004 09:36 AM


I wouldn't check out any library books for a while if I were you.

RD   ·  June 17, 2004 07:23 AM

At least you weren't in Northern Ireland, where the soldiers won't let you anywhere near them with a camera.

Raging Bee   ·  June 17, 2004 11:11 AM

I try not to think of revenue agents as soldiers.

Eric Scheie   ·  June 17, 2004 11:32 AM

Interesting pictures. You're an excellent photographer.

Hmmm.... Seems to have been a rather slow week on most of the blogs I'm reading. No news is good news I guess. Santorum is calling for a vote on the FMA this month or next. I won't be surprised if the Democrats cave in. They court the votes of homosexuals, but are always ready to sacrifice the rights of homosexual men and women if it means getting more welfare-state spending.

Dean and Rosemary Esmay have been involved in some extremely interesting debates in the Iron Blog.

This time around, Rosemary (the Queen of All Evil) is defending the death penalty -- and doing it very well. She even convinced Tim the Soldier.

The color spectrum symbolisms of the Iron Blog are extremely interesting to think about. I'll send you an e-mail about that.

Reminds me of a police-officer wreck I saw in Houston. It looked like it wasn't his fault--some woman ran a stop sign and he swerved to miss her. In the process, though, he jumped a sidewalk and nailed the corner of a hefty brick planter. His car was toast.

Beck   ·  June 17, 2004 02:13 PM

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