A libertarian is a liberal who's just been called a conservative, or a conserative who's just been called a liberal!

Time for blogging is in very short supply today, but every once in a while I find something that really captures my imagination....

I seriously suggest that everyone interested in the First Amendment read this post by Jeff Jarvis. It's about The Week's conference on indecency, in which a variety of big name journalists -- left, right, and libertarian -- weigh on with fascinating pronouncements on media censorship.

A couple of gems, one from Bill Maher:

"The biggest threat of censorship is on college campuses. They are out of control.... The kids today. Somebody needs to slap them. They do not understand what free speech is. And it's coming from the left...." He tells a story of speaking at Smith and a student who walked out of watching the final episode of Ellen because it was boring was threatened with being thrown off of campus for a "hate crime."
And one from Michelle Malkin:
Malkin: "Those Abu Ghraib pictures were journalistic pornography." She says that if you ask a journalist to report on the details of partial-birth abortion "they all of a sudden get too delicate."
And I'll let Maher have next to the last word:
"What [Monica Crowley]'s saying is that the definition of a liberal is a conservative who's just been censored, if I may paraphrase that."
(I have known many a conservative who was a liberal who'd been censored too!)

Read it all!

posted by Eric on 05.25.04 at 05:39 PM


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Excellent! And Jeff Jarvis is also terrific. Like you and Jeff Soyer, he is a heroic defender of freedom.

(I notice that he gets a lot of jerks in his comment section, but he magnanimously allows them to spew their bile against him. I'm not nearly that nice, I would simply delete them and ban them if I had comments on my blog.)

Political Correctness, censorship, is destroying our country, whether it comes from the Left in the name of "equality" or from the Right in the name of "morality". I'm against it!

That wasn't a good enough comment, not quite worthy of the subject of this post. Therefore:

S: Where goest thou, gallant knight? Off to another Crusade?

G: Aye. I am off to join the noble and valiant knights of Liberty, Eric Sheie and Jeff Soyer and Jeff Jarvis and Howard Stern, to rescue that fairest of all fair maids, the Goddess Freedom, from the foul hand of Censorship.

S: Has that knave, Government, threatened to defile Her again?

G: Yea, verily, that tyrant is once again out to depucilate Her!

S: Depucilate, you say!

G: Aye. 'Tis that bastard, the Fascist Communist Conspiracy, that would so vile a deed.

S: Then, off with ye! All bloggers, all who cherish FREEDOM, must fight to protect Her from this blasphemy!

G: In the name of Her Holy Clitoris!

Oop! I misspelled your name!

Quite OK about the spelling. My dad told me to change the spelling if I wanted to have an easier life.

Clever spoof of the S & G post, but I'm still wondering.... Who are S and G?

Eric Scheie   ·  May 27, 2004 08:58 PM

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