An explosive must-read!

All new readers should know that Jeff Soyer, blogger extraordinaire, happens to be my blogfather. Jeff is the author of two blogs, his own blog Alphecca, and Tarazet, a new blog he recently started for pets and pet related issues.

Jeff's Weekly Check On The Bias is a must-read for all aspirants to blog literacy. Not only that, it's a major service to the Second Amendment, as Jeff is a media watchdog on the gun issue, and he does it all on his own.

And he does it in style! Here's Jeff making an explosive analogy:

[T]he definition of "assault weapons" is totally based on cosmetics. Does the firearm have a pistol grip? What is the magazine capacity? In fact, what the legislation really does is just prohibit a gun from looking scary! My Ruger P-95 operates exactly the same as a TEC-9 but it's not on the list because it doesn't include the "appearence" features that the AWB sponsors were trying to ban with this feel-good law.

And by the way, Mr. Spencer, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were planning, originally, to blow the school apart with propane tanks. Should we be banning "assault barbecue gas-grills"?

I doubt I'll find such sentiments expressed in the Philadelphia Inquirer.

Be sure to read Jeff's weekly report today.

And while you're at it, hit his tip jar.

Believe me, it's a good cause.

posted by Eric on 04.26.04 at 06:57 PM


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